Screwed up today

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Screwed up today

Postby VK » November 19th, 2003, 12:59 pm

Well troops, I fell off the wagon. One of my coworkers is a gourmet-quality chef and she brought in some homemade truffle tarts today. Was at my desk on the phone when she came over with them on the little tray, and I nodded yes to her when she offered it, took it and ate it while I was still on the phone. It wasn’t until I was off the phone that I realized I’d actually eaten it! :shock:

That sounds silly, but it’s true. It just did not register with me at all while I was on the phone. I’m miffed of course. By my estimation there were at least 300 calories in that thing because besides the pastry crust, it had pecans, caramel and a ganache filling topped by chocolate-covered pecan pieces. :oops: It was a sugary mess and I’m certain I’ve thrown myself out of whatever ketosis I might have been in. I’m REALLY angry at myself. I’m trying to take a lesson from this and if anything, it makes me aware of the fact that I’m NOT aware of what I’m putting in my mouth sometimes. I’m on autopilot. I couldn’t tell you what that tart tasted like, except that it was sweet. I didn’t even enjoy it because I wasn’t even aware of it. Maybe this is the lesson I can take back to “regular” life once I’m off the plan. Now I feel like I’m starting over from day 1, which really stinks. I’m afraid I’ve just opened myself up to major sugar and carb cravings now.
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Re: Screwed up today

Postby explorthis » November 19th, 2003, 1:34 pm

VK wrote:Well troops, I fell off the wagon.

I’m REALLY angry at myself. I’m trying to take a lesson from this and if anything, it makes me aware of the fact that I’m NOT aware of what I’m putting in my mouth sometimes. I’m on autopilot.

I’m afraid I’ve just opened myself up to major sugar and carb cravings now.

My 2 cents for what its worth... So you "fell off the wagon" ?!?!
In the general (large picture) scheme of things, don't fret over a small error. If this is the only "wagon stumble", consider it a learning expierience, and focus on the larger picture. Overall, why are we here? Support and LOSS! You will regain that "ketosis" stage in a short time (not a Ketosis manager) but I know you are not starting over from the beginning.

Don' sweat the small stuff... You are obviously doing well/good/excellant, just move on and keep up all the good things you are doing. Don't look back, but look forward, and chock it up to a learning curve... !!

Shake on...

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Postby Jeanette » November 20th, 2003, 7:26 am

Forgive yourself. You're still learning. I know it is frustrating to start ALL OVER AGAIN, but isn't it better to do that than to continue to go backwards?

(By the way, I just said all of this to myself in the mirror today.)

Hang in there!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Ellen » November 22nd, 2003, 12:01 pm

Feel that pain in your butt? That's me pushing you back up there in that wagon. Now reach down here and grab my hand and give me a tug back up there with you. I also had some bad moments this week. We've all been sick as dogs around here, had a few family situations crop up and I did a bit of off plan eating. Cheez-its for goodness sakes, I swear you jinxed me!

OK, now that we're back up here on this bumpy old wagon, lets wack the dust outta our smaller pants and get on with this here program.

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Postby Unca_Tim » November 22nd, 2003, 12:44 pm

Hi Vonni,
It's no biggie falling off the wagon. We're all human and we all do it. The test is to get up, dust off, and jump back on again. That's one of the great things about Medifast. It's very forgiving. A small booboo isn't the end of the world. Just get back on track and you'll see that light start glowing again at the end of the tunnel.

Don't make us all come over there and lock you in your room.
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Fell off the wagon, huh?

Postby Nancy » November 24th, 2003, 1:21 pm


So ya experienced some slippage, eh?

Yeah, well, I have skinned my knees sliding down the back side of the wagon a few times lately myself. :shock:

I’m not on the weight loss part of the program, but on maintenance and I have been messing with it a bit too much. I cannot get to the point where I feel cocky about being able to have whatever I want. Many people say, “Oh, go ahead, have one. You’re so skinny now. It won’t hurt you.”

Oh, yeah? This is a life time issue for me. I wanna chose the healthy way every day. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I repeat my mantra often. And LOUD. My Daddy’s still in critical care of the cardiac unit. I don’t wanna be there as a patient myself.

I’m glad that you are honest about your slip up. We need the accountability of our group here. You are doing the right thing, Little Darlin’. You’re getting right back with the program. Your buddies are here to help dust you off , give you a boost right back up onto the wagon and getcha goin’ right back in the right direction. ;)

Just consider this a “learning: experience.” I have done that so many times – scarfed something down without really even realizing it or even tasting it. That’s why it is probably best for us to make some personal rules like eat only at the dinner table. Eat only when not doing other things. That way we associate eating with a particular place.

In the past, I used to eat snacks all the time in our bedroom while sitting in my glider rocking chair and reading or watching TV. Now I try to eat only at the breakfast table but still find myself eating when standing at the kitchen counter.

Unca is really disciplined. He eats only at the table. I don’t think I ever see him eating at his computer. He is one of those blessed people – he’s always been thin. His metabolism works perfectly. He doesn’t snack or graze along the way. He eats until he is satisfied and only during his regular meal times.

Keep on keeping on. We’ll see you to your goal. You’ll be healthy, happy and feel awesome! :wave:
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