ScottsMom Before....jeez

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ScottsMom Before....jeez

Postby ScottsMom » January 31st, 2006, 7:34 pm

Hi, Everyone.
I emailed a couple of photos of me at my heaviest. One is of me and my baby right when we got home from the hospital. That's Scott's room that my mom and I decorated. It is so cool!!! Granted, I truly did "just have a baby" in that shot, I think I was 194 lbs.


The other pic is 5 weeks later. I am making some kind of freaky face, but it is a good "fat" picture. These pictures are from September and October of 2004. I have lost about 30 pounds since then, but I don't have any recent "fat" pictures. I have skillfully avoided the camera. I figure that I need to lose about 35 pounds. I lost 5.4 the first week, so I am on my way! I am currently, 13 pounds from pre-preggo, but I got "knocked up" with about 23 extra pounds on (according to my current goal). It was my intention to lose weight before I got pregnant, but... well... my husband and I.... well, I will spare you the details.


Anyway, I will try to find something more recent, but these are my heaviest shots. ENJOY! Blech... :puke:
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Postby falisamarie » February 1st, 2006, 10:52 am


You are a beautiful woman I can only imagine what you will look like after a little while on Medifast!!!

That little baby of yours is sooooo adorable!!!!!!

Lisa :rose:
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Precious Cargo!

Postby Lizabette » February 1st, 2006, 11:01 am


That's precious cargo you got there. And how about Scot's room? He'll love the animals and stuff as he gets a little older! You and your mom did an awesome bit of decorating.

My, but you don't have very far to go to your goal and should reach it very soon! You already look great, and it won't be long until you really will feel greater!

We want to see more pictures... to see little Scot as he grows bigger and you grow smaller!

See you both later!


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Postby stelar » February 1st, 2006, 1:31 pm

Lora! You look AWESOME! And Scott is precious :D The weight will come off & you'll look even better & you'll be a great example to Scott of determination & control.

Good job!
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Postby mmob » February 1st, 2006, 5:50 pm

Lora, you are very very pretty and your son is precious!! You don't have too far to go to get to your goal!!

BTW the room - what we can see of it - looks amazing!!


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Postby Huntersmom » February 1st, 2006, 5:52 pm

Oh, your baby is so precious and adorable. Just like everyone else, I LOVE BABIES!!!! You look really good for just having a baby. Good luck with Medifast. Keep us posted.
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Postby Dayna » February 1st, 2006, 11:27 pm

What a sweet baby!! (Babies always steal the show in any picture :mrgreen: ) I imagine losing weight is going to make it much easier to keep up with your little sprout as he grows and becomes more and more active. Feel free to share adorable kidlet photos any time . . . I dunno about the other women on this forum, but I know for a fact the estrogen dumping into my system as I lose fat is ramping the ol' mothering instinct (not to mention the random weepiness) into high gear!

You look wonderful, and I can't wait to see your "after" pictures. :D

- Dayna
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