Thanks, Bigger! It's good to know that someone else gets nauseous from time to time... now, for my update, which might be TMI for some, but it's something I can read later on and look back on, right?
Yesterday morning was great, and towards the afternoon, I got such a burst of energy, I was so feeling so great after I ate my chicken soup and everything. Fast forward about an hour later... I started to feel bloated, like super bloated. I don't think I've ever felt so bloated. After a short period of time, it almost felt like the chicken soup was rising up my throat. I didn't feel nauseous, just really freakin' bloated. On my walk home from work (which is only about a 5min walk), it felt like it was growing, my stomach was extended and all. When I got home, I went to the bathroom and found myself dry heaving, but the weird part was I was full on burping in between heaves. Weird, right? Like these enormous burps were just coming out, mixed with a bit of stomach juice... i'm sorry i'm being graphic... I just want to know if this is normal. I felt better after that little episode, made sure I stayed on plan, and was fine physically the rest of the night, albeit a little tired and more cranky than usual.
I can't understand how the heck it happened, honestly. I did do two things differently yesterday, though. first, I had a cappuccino with coffee instead of the water (this coming from a girl who normally has a couple cups of coffee a day, so I thought no biggie) and at work, I mixed the chicken noodle with hot water from our automatic coffee maker thingy, with no microwaving. Should I have used cold water? Was the whole stomach episode to show me I should just follow directions? Haha! I don't know... any enlightenment would be great. As for now, if I have either one of those packets, I'm not messing with the directions, because I definitely don't want another episode like yesterday! Absolute terrible!
BUT.... today is a new day, and I'm OP as usual. I think today I might just do all shakes/drinks and my lean and green, and see how my body feels there.
Sorry for putting it all out there for you to see, but I'm curious to see if I'm just a freak of nature.
Thanks for listening, and hope everyone is doing well!