Scared, Nervous, and wondering

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Scared, Nervous, and wondering

Postby dkearby » September 29th, 2006, 7:11 pm

The thing I have noticed on this site is the high rate of success and lack of difficulty people have with MF compared to other diets. I have been on Weight Watchers, South Beach, etc. and alot seem to strugle. Sure most strugle at times on MF but there is so much more positive.

My question: what is the long-term success rate for MF? I don't deny that people take off the weigh, but do they keep it off?

I am scared because I have failed at so many diets in the past - don't want to fail again.
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Postby alpha femme » September 29th, 2006, 7:31 pm

keeping the weight off is always going to be up to the individual's determination and will power, regardless of what plan they used to lose weight.

i do think mf offers a huge edge on other plans when it comes to mantenance, though. when you are at goal, you can still supplement a couple meals a day with a shake. the transition plan is very well laid-out. most importantly, if you realize you have gained weight, it's very, very easy to slip back on mf for a week or two to get your habits back in line mainly because mf does take the thought process out of it. people i know who have done ww, atkins, etc were not able to readjust when they rebounded a little because the meal planning was so elaborate. then again, others have done just fine.

i, personally, have used the removal of all the clothes that have gotten too big to keep me on the traight and narrow. i know i have to go thinner or go naked. 8)
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Postby DogMa » September 29th, 2006, 7:43 pm

It's definitely up to you, the same as with other plans. Long-term maintenance results are poor, however; they're about the same as other plans.

I think one advantage of Medifast is that by removing most food from the equation, you have an opportunity to learn to deal with your food issues while you're on the plan. Personally, I have always been an emotional eater. While I was on Medifast (and it was a long time because I'm SUCH a slow loser, thanks to a seriously damaged metabolism from previous dieting), I took the time to work on that. I learned how to deal with my emotions without food, simply because food wasn't really an option.

I also learned healthier habits, like eating small meals six times a day. Other plans encourage that, too, but on Medifast you walk the walk. I used to eat big meals once or twice a day; I can't even imagine doing that anymore.

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Postby kendra_m » September 30th, 2006, 5:51 am


I think many of us had those same fears. Like the others have said, it depends on you and your commitment level... but, for me, this has felt very good when my head is in the right place. I don't want to use the word 'easy', cuz it's never easy to change habits and patterns that you've spent years developing.

A couple of things feel different to me about MF.... one is that it has gotten me off of the vicious carb cycle. Another is that I've made one decision, to follow this plan; that means I don't have to make 1000 food choices every day, I've already made the choice.

The other big difference for me is this forum. It's such a great place to get information, support, and to know that a bunch of other people know exactly what you're dealing with.

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Postby Arklahoma » September 30th, 2006, 6:33 pm

kendra_m wrote: ... A couple of things feel different to me about MF.... one is that it has gotten me off of the vicious carb cycle. Another is that I've made one decision, to follow this plan; that means I don't have to make 1000 food choices every day, I've already made the choice ...

I agree. When certain foods are taken out of the equation, altogether, it makes compliance so much easier. The choice is already made!!!
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