by DogMa » June 19th, 2007, 8:26 am
Hi, Renita. Did you weigh yourself? I'm betting that if you followed the program, you were pleasantly surprised. Let us know what happened!
In any case, you talk about eating if the scale didn't show a loss as if it's something out of your control. It's not. YOU are in charge of what you put in your mouth. Even if you showed a loss, and if you stay with the program and continue to lose, eventually you will stall; pretty much everyone does at some point. Does that mean that as soon as you don't get the results you're looking for, you're going to chuck it all and start eating junk again? The program works, but you need to work WITH it.
It takes courage to change your life and lose the weight, but you can do it. Please try not to let the fear take over.
Reached goal in August 2006
Added BodyBugg in May 2009
New ticker: 136.6/123.2/130