scale obsession

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scale obsession

Postby victoria7 » June 27th, 2005, 5:02 pm

Hi there, MF Friends... :-)

I've had a crazy-busy weekend! and it was *challenging*... Twice, I didn't make it home when planned & had a 4 hour gap between feedings... Talk about a cranky girl... :oops: I was able to keep all of my water up---more than I usually drink, which was good. I also did not go "off plan" as there is no room "off plan" in my plan! :D

So, due to my scale obsession & the resulting up/down emotional roller coaster I put myself on last week, I decided to only weigh in once-per-week, on Tuesday morning.

However, for the past three days, I've been obsessed with "Did I lose weight?" "How many lbs am I down?" kind of questions in my own head...

I'm sticking to my resolve, trying to just wait it out and have faith that since I've been compliant all week long, it will show on the scale... And I do know that weighing myself at 5pm on Monday night will not be helpful...

So, I guess I'm just posting to keep myself off the scale, ask what you do if you find yourself scale-obsessed and keep my mind off of the scale...

Should I just add my Tuesday morning weight to the Sunday Roll Call?

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Postby Dean0408 » June 27th, 2005, 5:13 pm

Everybody is different when it comes to how often to hop on the scale. The correct answer is "whatever makes you feel better".

As for me, I was a scale junky before maintenance and I am a scale junky while on maintenance. Whether I look at my weight 10 times a day, once a day, once a week, once a month or once a is what it is.

I find that knowing what I weigh daily gives me a heads up as to how I am doing and wheher or not I need to increase my exercises or increase my intake of food. (you may wonder about this increasing intake of food thing. When I first went on maintenance, I was so worried I wouldn't keep the weight off, that I didn't eat enough and dipped way below my goal by 7 pounds. I looked emaciated) I realize full well that weight fluctuates and many factors affect your weight throughout the day.

The best time to weigh is first thing in the morning AFTER you go to the bathroom and BEFORE you have anything to eat or drink. Make sure you are not wearing a robe with $20 in change in the pockets.......hehe :mrgreen:

Weighing daily does not change your weekly loss..........if it bothers you to see your daily weight, don't weigh daily. If it bothers you that you don't know your daily weight.......then weigh daily. It makes no difference at all in what you will simply makes a difference as to whether or not you want to have the information and how often you want it updated.

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Postby Sablebaby » June 27th, 2005, 6:37 pm

Hi Victoria,

I have the some "problem" with the scale. I was weighing every two days and then I got mad because I hadn't lost after two days. :x Today is day 7 for me and I don't know if I will weigh in tomorrow. I might wait another week and weigh next tuesday. I already know I lost 8 lbs from my last w/i last fri, so I know I lost. :D I feel the greatest on this plan and my clothes are feeling a bit better. As long as I stay on plan then it shouldn't matter what I weigh, right? :roll: I am amazed at those who can go an entire month without weighing. I don't think I can do that. But I might be able to do two weeks. :? Good luck with your scale obsession.
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Postby victoria7 » June 27th, 2005, 7:49 pm

Thanks, Sable Baby! That's exactly what I put myself through last week (ending last Tuesday)!!! LOL! You put it sooo well!

I would weigh myself every day and freak out if the needle didn't move down *enough*---What kind of crazy-making is that???

Jeesh... I don't need that! I'm weighing Tuesday mornings and That's IT! tee hee hee...

I think it will be easier next week... Right now, even though I'm fitting into my size 16 jeans (it's been a year since I did *that*) I'm feeling like "I hope I lost weight..." and I'm not having the faith... :oops: But I'm sticking to the MF plan and I'm sticking to My plan! and that, in and of itself, is success!
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Postby mytime » June 27th, 2005, 8:08 pm

Confession - I spend more time on the scale then making my shakes. Thank God I drink the ready to go kind :D No but really, Dean has a point -it is not the weighing but what you do with it. Old behavior tells me if I weigh and don't lose then this X diet has failed - if I do weigh and lose then I can celebrate - of course with food - b/c it is so easy to lose- either way I don't win. With MF unless at a plateau the chances of you losing are extremely hign - I think if you weigh once per week you are more likely to see weight loss and this can be motivating - if you are hungry weighing can be motivating - the bottom line if you stay on plan it is really just all about time. I think clothes are a great way to get some feedback until you weigh. For now I am weighing, but only posting my results one time per week - which will be this Saturday - am I weighing - like crazy - still think I am trying to make a believer out of me. But, with your strength perhaps after this Saturday weigh in / post I will give it a week. Let us know how it goes and CONGRATULATOIONS ON YOUR SIZE 16 pants - that in and of itself is AWESOME !!!! Mytime
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Postby victoria7 » June 27th, 2005, 8:09 pm

Thanks, MyTime. It's exactly that---My behavior re: the scale, not the weighing itself...

I love your sig. line!
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Postby LeeannNH » June 27th, 2005, 8:22 pm

hey v7

the scales can be evil i think :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i think it is wild how our bodies can show a gain one day and the next show a loss, then the next...who the heck knows?! ;)

today was one of those days for me too. i am only supposed to weigh in with my doctor on thursdays or fridays and i made the mistake of weighing myself today seeing a 1.5# GAIN......UGH :( :( :( :( :( :(

i have to dust my behind off and say, "self, this is whay you get for not following your original weigh in protocol!"

i can totally see how it can make a person crazy weighing in daily...but i know it can be a great inspiration for others. you will figure out what is best for you and your program. my suggestion is to stick with your weigh-in plan as much as you can, find what inspires you the most to stick with the plan and do that. i read that somewhere on here and i should have listened!!!

oh a ramblin!

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Postby victoria7 » June 27th, 2005, 8:36 pm

If your week is anything like my third week was, it'll be worth the wait to see what the scale says at the end of the week! :D
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Postby Dean0408 » June 27th, 2005, 9:30 pm

I think I will add one more point to my explanation as to why I weigh myself every day........

If I gain from the day before it is a minor disappointment.........If I have a slight is a minor victory......

............on the other hand........

If I anticipate weighing in for a whole week..........and had a is a MAJOR disappointment (even if the gain is very small) The same goes for if I lose nothing.......(for me it would be better to know this on a daily basis than to find it out after waiting for a week)

Of course, if I have lost a half pound a day........and weighed every day it would just be........"Oh, I lost another half pound" each day......while waiting for a week would give me the satisfaction of going "WOO HOO........I am down three and a half pounds"

This is HARD to figure out , isn't it???

hehe :lol: .......I am sticking to the every day looks like you guys would like the weekly weigh in better.

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Postby KeleeGrl » June 28th, 2005, 6:02 am

I'm obsessed with the scale also...and it plays head games with me, so I have gotten better. I'll weigh myself after two days after a "real" weigh in and if I don't see a change, I feel like a failure and it makes me want to eat, so I try not to do that anymore!
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 28th, 2005, 6:20 am

Hey Victoria,

I definitely used to have scale obession. There was a time in my life when my scale collected dust. And I collected pounds. Simple as that. I never used to get on the scale. Which was a bad thing. After doing Medifast the first time, (1998) I learned to use the scale as a monitoring device, much like Dean. (I won't bore you with the long version, but going off MF, having 2 babies back to back, and here I am again READY to lose!)

What I noticed about myself personally, was that in the past when I would diet, I would be really good and then expect the scale to SHOW me how good I was doing. When it wouldn't budge (i.e. - Did South Beach earlier this year and was compliant on Phase One {most restrictive, no carbs, etc} and after 2 weeks I saw one measly little pound dissapear) I would then go off plan because it didn't seem to WORK! So when I started MF in April I decided to weigh in once a week. Now that I've been at it a while, I will sometimes hop on to just do a mental "check" but I still only write my weight down ONCE A WEEK. To answer your question, I do my weigh-ins on Wed. and desipte many people cheering me to move to Sunday, I have not. I will agree that you miss out on the Sunday morning excitement of coming here and seeing what everyone has lost and the comradiere (sp?) of doing our weigh-ins together. But as Unca says, ROLL CALL is just a place where we can keep it all together. So weigh in on your Tues. and let us know how you are doing!!!

(actually need to update my ticker...but need to sign's 31lbs gone! YAY!)

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Postby Emma » June 28th, 2005, 6:47 am

I weigh myself everyday and it's really a tool to keep me in check. But this morning was nuts. I weighed myself and it was still 232 (same since last Friday), I stepped off and back on, then it said 230, I stepped off again and then on (gently of course) and it said 231......what the.......... :x

I went on TSFL and ordered a new scale (special sale ends this week). I hope this one doesn't make me nuts :nana:

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