Scale & 60# club

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Scale & 60# club

Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 9:51 am

Hi fellow losers :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Good news and bad news!

Good one is that I'm at 59 pounds lost since 2 days, which brings me near the door to the 60# club!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Can't wait, hopefully I'll be there by tomorrow or by roll call day!!

Bad news now:

I'm upset... Terribly upset :x :x

Stupid scale of my ***!!!!

I guess it never bothered me too much, because even if I weighed daily, I'd still lose a good amount. Now, weight loss slows down (I am aware the last pounds are harder to part with).

The problem is, when I weigh, I get on the 15$ digital scale, and I read 203. W00t I say! Then I get on it again: 208... 204.... 207...

I hate that scale! Why doesn't it say "I don't know, I'm a dumb scale!"

Well, this scale will be no more by tonight. After work, I'm heading for the shop and I'm getting a Weight Watchers scale. I heard it was pretty accurate? Anyone can confirm this?

That's it; don't forget to have a nice day and don't spend too much time in here, you might forget it's MF meal time :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Dayna » January 20th, 2006, 10:40 am

We had a scale that would do this when it was cold. Like early in the morning, on a cold bathroom or kitchen floor. Once everything was warmed up (around 70 degrees or so), it would weigh consistently. Maybe it has to do with the battery? I know cold batteries don't work nearly as well as not-cold ones . . .

- Dayna

Edited to add: And congrats on the almost-60 lb club! Wow! What an inspiration!
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Postby CarmenM » January 20th, 2006, 11:02 am

Hey David!!! Wow, you are losing so fast! I'm so Jealouse! LOL

Well.. i was having trouble with my scale too so i had to buy a new one. I bought a weight watchers scale and I LOVE IT! I find it to be very accurate. Plus, it's really cute with it's glass design (LOL, not like that matters, but it really is cute!! :D ). I think that they sell them for about $60.00, i'm not sure though. I got it on ebay for $24.00 plus shipping which was like $8.00 so i got a pretty good deal on it.

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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 11:08 am

Dayna, thanks for the input. I'm gonna put my scale in the nuke box to get it warmed up. Gonna post back with the results, or you might see me in necrology section of news :P (just kidding) No really, I'll try to let the bathroom always at same temperature and see if that affects anything. Anyway, I'm getting the WW scale :mrgreen:

Carmen, my GF is already in the shops to get a WW scale, so no rebate shopping for us :oops:

Good, so you say it's accurate. If you weigh yourself, then get on it gaain 2 minutes later, it won't show a 10 pounds difference like my old one used to???

And I think it shows weight precisely like 204.x isn't it??

Thanks :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Postby Dayna » January 20th, 2006, 11:20 am

Yes, I will admit that despite knowing I could get a consistent reading when it was warmer, I never really trusted it to give me an accurate reading. Which is why I bought a new scale at the beginning of the week! Enjoy your WW scale. :D

- Dayna
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Postby CarmenM » January 20th, 2006, 11:33 am

Yup it is very accurate. I am addicted to the scale so when i weigh myself i do it like 5 times just to make sure it's the correct weight LOL and yeah it does show you the exact amount.

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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 11:35 am

Thanks Carmen,

I guess this is gonna be a GREAT buy!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
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Postby Serendipity » January 20th, 2006, 11:40 am

I have a very accurate scale, not unlike a Dr's. scale and I sometimes wish it wasn't quite so accurate. I sometimes check 2 or 3 times just to see if I read it wrong, lol. :x :x :x
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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 11:42 am

Jo, what kind of scale you using? :)
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Postby Serendipity » January 20th, 2006, 11:50 am


It's a Health O Meter Mechanical beam scale. It uses weights just like the ones you see in your Dr. Office. It was a few hundered dollars, but my husband "just had to have it", lol.
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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 11:52 am


For that price, it must be accurate lol :mrgreen:

Guess I'll still stick with the WW one though, if you all say that it's pretty accurate (for the buck!)
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Postby cydj21 » January 20th, 2006, 4:37 pm

Hype! Good for you! :D I am so happy for you. I cannot wait until you hit that 60 pound club!

About this whole scale issue....I also use one of the balance scales like at a doctor's office. I actually don't have one here at home, and I use the scale in the locker room at the fitness center on campus. It's a good reference because I've been using it for nearly four years now, and I remember what I weighed in the beginning so it's sort of nice to have that continued reference. It has also kept me from obsessing this first week. I cannot wait to get up there on Sunday!

....but with mention of this WW scale, I am intrigued. We have a WW group on campus and I've seen this scale I think. Carmen's right, it's cute. ;) I mean hell, if you're paying $60 for something, it should be cute, right? I think I'll go check out ebay. Hype, will you keep us posted on how it works for you? Thanks and congrats again!
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