Saying Grace in a Restaurant

Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Postby FertileMyrtle » December 21st, 2006, 2:41 pm

Oh my Gosh, I love the comments on QT2lose's 4 year old! I have some!

1)we have a flaming firebird emblem on our desktop (dont ask me why) and my 4 yr old called it a Butterfly Chicken!

2) I asked her to get the directions for Connect 4. She kept repeating it to herslef as she swooped in and out of the room "Peretzions...curekshuns...diretzions!"

3) the Jumpoline!

4)today she informed me that the neighbor started a fire (burning leaves) and that we had to call the "fire duparpment" (how did she even know that one??)

5)she is "in" on the secret that the in laws are coming for C-mas and daddy doesnt know. She has proceeded to tell friends every single gift we wrapped for them, in front of daddy! We just "laughed" it off as her imagination, and I have had to do some damage control But wont he be surprised when Poppa does in fact open his shirts and pants?
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