bikipatra wrote:I had a close friend that I have had to distance myself from too. I met her at one of my 12 step meetings. A few months ago she has a DUI, but not from drinking, but from taking Ambien during the day with Benadryl. So it was like she was trying to get high. She ended up driving and hitting another car. The judge suspended her license for a year. That lasted about a month and now she is driving again and hiding it from her 12 step sponsor. She has a therapist, a psychiatrist and a psychic/astrologer she spends 20,000 a year on even though she works at Starbucks. (A condition of her probation was getting a job.) She also still always refers to me as being overweight and I just don't need that. She acted shocked that a photographer actually wanted to work with me. We are both drama queens and it is like anything I say she has to have a story to top it. It just became too exhausting to try to carry on a relationship with her and wait for the barbs and remain silent about how she is breaking the law and risking losing the partial custody she has of her children. I have been in and out of AA for 14 years and in general people who lie to their sponsors don't stay sober. I feel if I spend time with her I would tell her things she doesn't want to hear and won't change anyway.
Wow, this is really close to the same type of friend I have. She has many compulsions and seems to be getting more. She has an incredible gambling problem but the money will never run out since she's a trust fund baby and daddy died leaving her even more. She's an alcoholic and a food addict. She hates pets and tells me how disgusting it is that I let my Pomeranian in the house,(my dog is so clean!) yet I'm supposed to kiss her pet (stuffed) monkey she's had since she was like 4, I kid you not!
I've tried to stand by her since she's pretty pathetic, but even sick people need to be held accountable at times and I'm not a punching bag.
She sent me 3 emails in 2 days about how much I let her down, ?????
I'm just going to let it go and see what happens, I really can't handle
volatile people.

Like Mike said, maybe she'll see I've made some positive changes in my weight and follow suit...I seriously doubt it though.