Ok. I am laughing. Have to tell you guys... I saw my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend at the Super Walmart tonight. Keep in mind- since we broke up I have lost 35 pounds. I did not relize what a huge difference it made... I walked up and introduced myself, his mouth just dropped open, and stayed open and she just kept telling my how pretty I am.
It was so funny... Of course, right when I got home my phone rang- and it was him asking me out... The eternal pig.
I just had to share. Thank you for allowing me to do so.
Gillian, I'm so glade you know what a jerk he is. MR. right is out there just for you .Years ago I dated a jerk and when we broke up I thought my world had ended, a few months later a boy I had went to school with most of my life came back into my life and to make a long story short we have been Married 30 years . So wait for the one who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.sorry about sounding like a old Mom
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!
But don't you feel bad for the current girlfriend? She's sweet enough to stand there and compliment you, AND she doesn't realize her guy is calling you to go on a date...how sad!
That's a riot Gillian... I always seem to have interesting experiences at Wal-Mart myself. Hey... maybe the new girlfriend will be calling you to find out how you lost your weight & you can get a referral credit to go toward your next order!