salad dressings

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salad dressings

Postby kween Bee » June 24th, 2004, 7:36 pm

ive been using reg. salad dressing and would like 2 try a fat free or low fat dressing....what r the good ones 2 try that have alot of flavor. im open 2 try spicy dressings or my fav blu cheese
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Postby Echo » June 25th, 2004, 4:57 am

I only use balsamic vinegar on my salads, it tastes great and has 0 calories.
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Postby explorthis » June 25th, 2004, 6:36 am

Hey Lauryn-Bee,

My only suggestion (and a suggestion it is) is to watch your dressing labels. Remember that Medifast is supposed to put your body in a mild state of Ketosis, meaning “body burns its own sugar” Extra sugar = carb’s = fat. I know for fact, some dressings (the regular full fat types) have a boat load of sugar in them. Additional sugar defeats the purpose or the Ketosis state that Medifast puts you into.

You mentioned “spicy” Well spicy is my favorite friend. (during and after Medifast) Morton (the salt folks) has a “Hot Salt” in the spice section in the grocery that will add quite a kick to anything your interested in adding a little flair to. It will cause you to reach for a tissue on occasion. Give this a try, I swear by it.

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Postby Amanda » June 27th, 2004, 9:44 am

Hi kween bee-
i was having a problem losing weight and i spoke to nancy about it and salad dressings can affect your weight loss- the dressing i used even though low in calories and fat had sugar and corn syrup in it. Nancy said to avoid dressings with sugar and corn syrup and once i did i was losin weight again. You wouldn't think a little dressing could make that much of a difference but it does. Now i use light red wine vinagette and it has no sugar or corn syrup and only 30 calories. i know they now have medifast dressings-i haven't tried them yet but i'm sure they are low cal with no sugar or corn syrup.
Let us know if you find something good :D
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