Sabotuers and Naysayers, Anyone have this problem??

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Postby Diana » July 25th, 2006, 6:46 am

Thanks for the correction, Robin. I edited my original post to hopefully ward off future confusion.
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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » July 25th, 2006, 11:19 am

a few of my work buddies look at me like im nuts when they see what i eat... and i have had a supervisor say something rude about me getting big again... but ignore stuff like that.. i look and feel better now
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Postby vb » August 31st, 2006, 10:35 am

This is the best topic ever!

I agree with everything everyone has mentioned. When I started this (30 pounds ago) my husband did the whole "this is just a fad, you won't last" blah blah blah. It was hard because his junk food was still in the house, the soda, popcorn, chips, etc, but I knew I wanted to stay with it. This may sound corney, but I totally felt alone in the whole process, and if I was feeling a little down or discouraged I would read the boards and see how much weight people were losing and how positive everyone was.

I am happy to report that after seeing my results the husband is now on day 3 of medifast, and has already lost 5 pounds. But god is he cranky! I asked him if I was that cranky at the begining, and he said I was worse.

We did the big house clean out and it is nice only having healthy food in the house.

My biggest problem have been the people (okay one person) who on the weekends will say things like, "You guys want to come over and have some drinks, or is V still being a stick in the mud." It pisses me off to no end, when someone is doing something for their health you should encourage it as much as you can. It is not like I am judging them for drinking, I just want to lose weight. If I was an alcoholic would it be OK to make comments like that?

You have to take it all in stride becuase there will be a lot more compliments than ney sayers. It was all worth it when we recently sent out an invitation for an event with our picture on it and I got a message that said, "You bitch! How did you lose all that weight!" It cracked me up.
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Postby VictoriousNat » September 1st, 2006, 7:54 am

And that is why I have only told two people. So many people have a vested interested in keeping me fat it's not funny. So I want it to be a secret until Christmas (by then I will have dug my heels in deeply enough, will have had a few doc visits and lab/bloodwork done to see what's what).

Last edited by VictoriousNat on September 1st, 2006, 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TheShadow » September 1st, 2006, 8:21 am

Before I started MF, I said I was only going to tell those closest to me. They had to know to support me. But as soon as I started and had lost 10 or 15 lbs, everyone wanted to know what I was doing to lose weight and I decided I would just be very upfront and tell it plainly. They were going to see me eating my special foods anyway and ask what I was drinking. So I just told anyone who asked that I was on a special diet. So far most people have been really supportive. It's those that need to lose the most weight though that don't seem to get it. They ask me several times if I'd like a helping of something after I've said "no, thank you". And finally I have to say, "I can't have that". And then it's like "OOOH, that's right! It's not on 'your diet'!". Like they just remembered, but with a sarcastic tone to their voice. Give me a freaking break! I have had no one say anything rude or pooh-pooh the diet itself. I guess the proof is in the "pudding".

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