Run from this reward!?!

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Run from this reward!?!

Postby Amanda » June 15th, 2004, 6:52 am

Hi everybody- it is going to be a hard week at work for me because there is alot of "celebrations " and food to celebrate with. This got me to thinking how much society views food as a reward. For example I work at AAA headquarters in the insurance dept. and my dept has been doing great lately, so they decided to reward us-Great right? NO- They're buying us pizza on Friday, not just any pizza probably the greasiest fattiest pizza known to man, from a certain hut. Anyway I was thinking if these people REALLY want to reward us they should look around the office and see how many people are overweight and unhealthy- then reward us with something good for us. This Friday is going to be a hard day for me because (as many of you know) the last time I cheated it was with pizza. I have thought about asking my supervisor if they would order me a salad from there instead- but that almost seems like I am making a request when they are doing this to be nice. I don't know. I just think if you are going to reward someone you should reward them with something that will benefit them- and pizza benefits no one here. That's my thought anyway . What do you think?

Also - today they are catering chicken courdon bleu and wild rice and choc cake with whip creme- so give me some words of encouragement please. I can say i am going to be strong and i usually am, but i'm afraid today the smells may try to take over. Thanks.
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Postby TamiL » June 15th, 2004, 6:58 am

Isnt it funny how FOOD is always some type of "reward" or celebration?? when for us..its just plain TROUBLE!! lol!! I know how hard it will be to resist temptation today with all the pizza and food floating around...just remember your GOALS...will what you do today get you CLOSER to them..or set you back a few days??? will that few minutes of tasting something be WORTH IT??? or will it set you off into a frenzy with Food only to sabotage your great work so far?? I often have to ask myself this latley....and It helps!!
goodluck!! staying with the program today will make you wake up tommorrow with a smile!! :)
Happy shakin!!
Tami ;)

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Postby Carrie » June 15th, 2004, 7:01 am

Hi Amanda,


Not worth it, no way no how. If you eat that food, it will set back your weight loss by a week or two - is that worth five minutes of pleasure eating? And all the self-recrimination afterwards? Nope.

And ABSOLUTELY ask them to order you a salad. I see employers picking up the tab for a meal (especially a fast-food one) as a gesture only. If they really wanted to put their money where their mouth is they should slip everybody a $50 bonus check or something like that, instead of a couple gut-bombs in a box. You may even be surprised that others will 'second your motion'. Stand up for yourself, girl, you're worth it.

The pizza will still be there for you, when you reach your goal weight, and I betcha it'll taste even better.

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Postby Echo » June 15th, 2004, 7:28 am

Amanda, I totally sympathize. Yesterday we had a birthday celebration at work and there were cookies and cake, nacho's and gordito's. I felt momentarily weak, then I got strong. I want that 20lb club! And I saw a little fly buzzing around the table. I remembered my neice telling me, 'Did you know flies throw up everytime they land?' I don't know if it is true, but I imagined that fly landing all over the spread making little puddles of fly puke. The visual was so gross that later I don't care if I ever have that stuff again.

Good luck, and remember you only have to avoid that food til it's gone, and most of the time people just eat that stuff right up.
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Postby Landylue » June 15th, 2004, 9:44 am

Here-Here, Carrie!!! Excellent advice.

Amanda, just say no!

Imagine picking up that greasy piece of pizza and slapping it on your thighs, 'cause, honey, it's either going there or your butt!

Just say no!

Your boss will understand if you pass on the pizza. If he/she doesn't, well, that's THEIR problem.

Just say no!

We expect you to be strong, Amanda. Declare your freedom from other people's expectations!

Just say no!

It gets easier each time you do it.

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Postby Guest » June 15th, 2004, 10:59 am

Thanks for the posts everyone -- You will all be glad to know i just had lunch - of lettuce salad-and they had very small pieces of boneless skinless white chix breast with the cordon blue- so yes i had a modified meal- but that is 100x better than me cheating. The salad was small with just tomatoes and the chix was maybe 4 oz- and a bottle of water- i walked right past that cake ans everything else- i and i feel so good now- :lol: no feelings of guilt :oops: and no anger :x because i couldn't eat with everyone. I normally do fullfast weekdays and modified once in while- and thats ok because i would rather do that- then cheat today. And i did keep asking myself is this going to get me closer to my goal- yes it will- maybe not as fast but it is still a step in the right direction. I truly feel if occasionally you have a mdified day it's ok- it's better than cheating and you are still succeeding. Thank you all for your replies it really made it easier today- and i've decided Friday when they serve pizza- I'm taking my shake with me and leaving for lunch- i'm going to go the target up the road and but myself something as my reward instead of stuffing my face.
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Postby Amanda » June 15th, 2004, 2:27 pm

that was me above
Peace & Love,

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Postby Landylue » June 15th, 2004, 6:13 pm

That's our girl!!! I'm very proud of you for making such a wise decision.


Nobody, but nobody can take care of Amanda like YOU can! Way to go!

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