Rough night!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby Guest » October 13th, 2004, 10:17 am

I'm still pretty new, but I knew from day 1 that I'd never be able to do all shakes. By having bars and soups, I feel like I have a little choice (such as whether it's soup for lunch or dinner!) I always have 5 a day:
soup w/MF crackers
The bars and soup keep me sane, but I know I couldn't do the lean and green meal because I'd be tempted to cheat. This way I have some choice but I still know every morning that these 5 things are all I'm eating. I give you major PROPS 8) for being able to do all shake for that long. I figure if I'm going to stick with it, the soup and bar are part of the deal for me! PS- I LOVE the soups. The chicken/wild rice and the chicken noodle are great, and the MF crackers (only 1 pack per day) are great with it for something with crunch.

Whatever you decide to do.... keep up your great work, it's an inspiration to all of us, especially people like me who are still so new.
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