Roll call March 27, 2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Roll call March 27, 2005

Postby Laramedifast » March 26th, 2005, 8:57 am

Hi all! I need to do my weigh-in early this week since I'm out of town and away from my scale. And I'm not about to get on anyone else's! :)

I am 186 at last check which is down I think 2 pounds from last week's and 15 total. I had hoped for more this week but at least it's 2 less and not the same or more! Good luck everyone! Stay "clean" on Easter!

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Postby LilMsTexas » March 26th, 2005, 7:06 pm

Congratulations Lara!! TWO lbs will be a blessing to me because as of this morning it was only .4 on my 3rd week :( Have a Blessed Easter and remember to let those chocolate bunnies just HOP ON BY!! hehe :thumbsup:

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby BSmith » March 26th, 2005, 10:01 pm

Happy almost Easter from Wichita KS!

Congrats Lara & LilMsTX! Hey .4 is still going down.

I'm reporting 2 more lbs down this week. I am now through the honeymoon stage and at times wishing for something carby... But! Still not craving sweets... I have a big week coming up though with food challenges beginning tomorrow through next weekend... So I'm sharing for accountability purposes.

Have a great Easter Sunday all, planning to check back tomorrow night to see how everyone else is doing...

Blessings, Bess :)
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Happy Easter!

Postby LilMsTexas » March 27th, 2005, 4:52 am

Well I guess I was hoping for an Easter surprise this morning with more lost than the .4...but was not meant to be for me this week. Guess there's nothing to do but try harder and do better. This week I pledge to make SURE I get in ALL of my supplements and ALL of my water!!

The GOOD news is that yesterday I fit back into an old pair of Rockies that I haven't worn in FOREVER!! I was soooooooooo proud all day. I have jeans ranging in allllllllll sizes and of course these were my biggesst ones........but some point I was smaller than I am now and I am at LEAST there today! I didn't buy a new Easter dress this year because I refuse to buy clothes right now :)

So Happy Easter everyone and here's to shakin' all week. I pledge to myself to be 100% compliant this week and will celebrate a better loss next Sunday! :cheerleader:

Hope you all have a Blessed week!
CHEERS! :cheers:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby joysea » March 27th, 2005, 5:02 am

Happy, Blessed Easter Morning!

I am now down another 2.4 pounds! This is day 24 for me...and I have renewed enthusiasm to continue onward for another week with Medifast.

Isn't it great to achieve goals? Be it the scale, or the ability to wear clothes that fit more loose...we are all truly emerging from our cocoon this Easter Day!

I so look forward to everyone's weigh in today!


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Postby doglover » March 27th, 2005, 5:22 am

Congrats to all the losers so far this morning! :wave:

I am down 1.5 lbs. I will take it! I had a couple slip ups w/ Peanut Butter this week and my TOM is imminent!!!! As reported on other parts of the forum I have had some wonderful successes this week with food, so I am a happy camper today! And this officially puts me in the 20 lb club!!!!

Happy Easter to everyone! :hug:
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
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Postby BerkshireGrl » March 27th, 2005, 5:56 am

What a gorgeous morning it is out here in Massachusetts... Getting warmer by the moment, the sun is brightly shining, the snow is dripping away...

Happy Easter to everyone!

Confessional follows:

I had a rough week, and I am not going to bring anyone down by getting into the nitty gritty of it, heh! I am at 200 this morning, from 192.5 last week.... a gain back of 7.5 pounds. That can't ALL be fat but I know some of it is, since my jeans are tighter around the thighs! :lol: That's my gauge, jean thigh constriction ;)

However, I think this of all days is the perfect day to get over that rough patch, and start clean. Easter is all about miracles and renewal and the power of faith, and it's probably ok to take a tiny bit of that and apply it to my body, right? ;) And my mind for that matter!

I've been doing some thinking the past couple of days, and realize that I honestly do have some deep-seated and very strong negativity towards my body... that is leading me to repeatedly sabotage myself as I get close to 190. The reasons, well, that I'm going to be unearthing over the time coming. Time to get a pretty big journal and get writing... maybe make a scrapbook of sorts to get through this. I simply MUST get under 190 to break this cycle. For some reason, I think once I get under that, I will "get it" that I can continue all the way to 140.

Since it is so beautiful outside, I am going to clean up my apt. a bit then go for a nice long walk on a bike trail near me :) No slugging out in front of the computer all day long! Not that you all aren't wonderful of course hehehe!

Maybe I can find some sprouts popping up through the mud, and see some ducks and geese... breath fresh air... ahhhhh!

Happy weight loss day everyone... you are doing wonderfully, and no matter how small the amount, you are still LOSING and that is a great thing!

Doglover: welcome to the 20 Pound Club! AWESOME JOB!!

BSmith: be strong in the coming week! You can beat the food :)
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Postby raederle » March 27th, 2005, 6:54 am

I should've asked you guys to wish away my last pound *weeks* ago... because this week it FINALLY WORKED!!!! I even overshot by a smidge, and made it to 124.8!!!! Just when I thought my durned body was just incapable of releasing that last pound, it came through like a trooper... what a relief! But now the hard part begins, huh? This time, instead of going to Vegas for cocktails, white truffle risotto, and chocolate souffle, I will follow the rules and transition properly to give my poor metabolism a break! We'll see how it goes; I'll post my progress here to keep myself accountable (and because I am now completely psychologically dependent on this board and don't really know what else to do with my time... ;)), so we'll figure it out together.

Great job to the losers this week! Lara, 2 pounds is great! Some weeks will be more dramatic than others as far as weight loss, so keep heart-- 2 pounds this week might turn into 4 next week. And Christi, good for you in looking on the bright side-- your jeans are trying to tell you somethin', even if the scale isn't, and that's terrific news! You probably already know from reading the posts around here that the third week often hands you a slower weight loss; for some reason, many of us have a tough third-fourth week as our bodies try to figure out what's going on. But if you keep strong and keep shakin', the weight starts falling off faster again-- don't worry! Just prance around in those little Rockies and be proud!

Great job, too, to Joyce and Bess-- I know it gets tough (and tiring), but keep at it. Just keep thinking about what it will be like when you are at goal and you can loook back on all your hard work and be proud of your awesome accomplishment... Nothing worth doing is easy, right? ;)

And Donna-- you had such a great week!!!! In the 20-pound club, AND celebrated a terrific victory over food this week at dinner. You have A LOT to be proud of!!! :mrgreen:

Berk-- I know whatcha mean about self-sabotage. For me it was the 150-pound mark a few years ago; it took me AGES to make my head accept that it was okay to make it past that number. I still remember vividly the day the scale showed 149; I seriously cried in the doctor's office. Afer that, it got a lot easier, when I found out the world wasn't going to end now that I broke through the 150 barrier. You'll do it, too, I know. Come join us on the other side... we're waitin' for ya.

Happy Easter, everyone!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 27th, 2005, 7:12 am

Congrats to all you losers on this fine Easter morning!

A big shout out to Donna - welcome to the 20 lb club. It's a great feeling to hit those milestones and get closer to your goals.

Berk - great post - I love that you hold that negativity at bay and turn yourself right around. Go see some flowers, hear the birds, write in that journal. You'll get yourself turned around!

And my friend Jodi -- girlfriend, I knew this was going to be your week! I'm very happy for you! I will be reading away on your transition posts for when my time comes. Please make sure to keep us all updated on the good, bad, and even the ugly.

I'm posting a good loss this week of 3.4 pounds - but I go in cycles like that ... 2 weeks of 2 pounds or less then the third week I show a big one! I'm at 28 pounds total for 10 weeks and 3 pounds away from the 30 pound club.

We are all inching ever closer to our goals -- We all deserve a big CONGRATS!!!!

May all of you have a wonderful Easter and please remember that holidays are about more than food. Hold on to your resolve, use the tablespoon trick if you find yourself ready to cave ... and STAY AWAY FROM THE BUNNIES!!!
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Postby want2Bthin » March 27th, 2005, 7:49 am

Great job to everyone on your weight loss this week. I started the program on 3/10/05. This is the 1st time I have posted my loss. The 1st week I loss 5 pounds. This week I lost another 5 (but I went about 10 days before waying the second time. I am thrilled to have lost 10 pounds total. Still have a long road ahead but atleast I am not going up anymore.
Happy Easter!
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Postby Kauket » March 27th, 2005, 8:08 am

Hi everyone :)
I'm sneaking in before we wake up the kids for Easter, I've been sort of sitting at 230 most of the week, but someone was looking down at me and this morning I was at 228! I put on my next size jeans (Like LilMs I have jeans in allllll sizes) and they fit! (I'd tried them on a couple weeks ago, and they fit, but were still sort of tight. AFter going from pants that fall off you, going to pants that are tight isn't very comfy, but today they're comfy tight. :)

OHOHOHOHOH! Yesterday I washed my one and only bra that fits me and the wire broke :cry: I was pretty sad because the only ones I can find to fit me are the $50 granny ones and we don't really have 50 bucks to fork over to a new bra. So, I went digging around searching in my old bras that "don't fit anymore" and I can wear the nursing bra that I wore after my first kid was born!! It even looks fantastic!

I'm so very pleased about my "accomplishments" The big thing about my weight is I don't know how many pounds I need to lose to look good. My ticker's goal is 100 lbs, but I don't want to be super super skinny, I want to be healthyily skinny. I don't know the # that's going to be. Getting into these new clothes is, for me, what it's all about. I know it's working now!

Good luck everyone else, see you tomorrow, we're headed off to my inlaws for easter. Hopefully she won't sabotage me too much and I won't feel like a dork with my shakes. :) (She's very, very, very good at making me feel like a dork.)
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Postby Spunky » March 27th, 2005, 8:12 am

RAE that last wishful pound FINALLY WORKED its magic. You on your way to the transition team. Keep us posted. We are sooooooo proud of you!
Congratulations to all the loss in the group so far. Way to go on making the 20# club Donna! Keep the inches shrinkin' down to slimville.

I'm down 3 lbs. this week. So that makes it 31 days at 25 pounds lost forever! I finally get to start exercising tomorrow. Enjoy your Easter!
Last edited by Spunky on March 27th, 2005, 8:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby doglover » March 27th, 2005, 8:22 am

YEAH RAE!!! :hug:
We knew you could do it!!! We are so proud of you and please don't leave us! We need your encouraging words and I especially feel like I need your insights into transition! No matter what I have to transition early May to get ready for my trip end of May, so be my role model please?!?!

Everyone else, great job!

Berk - you are still a role model to keep going, recognize the downfalls, figure out how to pick yourself up and KEEP GOING! Thanks for your wisdom and courage.

And I am sure soon I too will be posting about the mental demon. My demon is at 150 too Rae. I am just not sure I can get under that number which is one reason this is set as my first goal. I am afraid to be under that, but we'll deal with that more as the time gets closer. I'll lean on you guys to help me through.

Thanks for being such great buddies. I could not possibly have been on this plan for 7 weeks without you all to laugh and cry with, and share successes and grumps along the way!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
Feb 7, 2005 start date
176/150/150 - made it in 9 weeks! 26 lbs off!
150/139.5/140 - made it in 8 1/2 more weeks! 36.5 lbs off!
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Postby TamiL » March 27th, 2005, 8:44 am


I actually did something I NEVER do this morning..I weighed myself...yup..took a chance and got on the my surprise I was 149!!! out of the 150's!!! pants are feeling mighty loose...and I have to say...Last Easter was a struggle for me on Medifast....but all that candy and food will be there when we are at Goal....and after this morning...there is NOTHING stopping me!! I dont have time to change my ticker this morning..will do it another day....god only knows I had a heck of a time making that thing work!! lol!!
Tami....... :-P

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » March 27th, 2005, 8:51 am

Happy Easter Morning Everyone!!
Congratulations to all our LOSERS!!
Rae, HURRAYYYYYYYYYYY You made your goal!!!!!!!!!!
Donna, Welcome top the 20 pound club!!! YIPPEEEEEE
I am sorry to say I don't have time this morning to speak to everyone individually, but KNOW that I am proud of everyone!!!
I lost 1.5 pounds this week after a big week last week, so I will take it and smile!
That takes me to 84 pounds lost in 22 weeks! Exactly 60 pounds to go to hit my final goal!!
My next mini goal is 100 pounds gone by May 29, my youngest daughter's 26th b-day!
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