Roll call March 27, 2005

Join our weekly (Sunday) weigh in.

Postby sister » March 27th, 2005, 9:07 am

Congratulations to everyone !!!

Christi ~ That .4 lb. is a sure sign to look forward to next week. I did the same thing my 3rd week and then lost 8 the 4th week!! I was so surprised! You will be too.

Rae ~ Yippeeeee, I knew you would get there!!!

As usual, I was hoping for more - 2 pounds down this week but at least I hit the 40 pound club!! YEA!!!

Have a very blessed Easter!
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Postby raederle » March 27th, 2005, 9:29 am

Sherri-- you gotta celebrate, woman! 2 pounds is great (think about how much better 2 pounds lost is, than 2 pounds gained!!! ;)), and you made it to the 40-pound club this week, so you should be PROUD!!! :mrgreen:

Thank you thank you thank you to Ame, Donna, Spunky, and Mary, too! (Mary-- you really are shrinking-- you're way more than halfway there! I have no doubt you'll have dropped 100 pounds by May 29!)

I can't tell you how much it means to me to be sharing this journey with you guys, and with everyone here at the forum. Now I know why I never made it anywhere near my goal weight over the years until now-- I never, ever had support like this. I used to try to just go it alone, and it's no wonder I never made it, lost confidence in myself, and felt worse and worse with each failed attempt. I mean it when I say I owe every pound to you guys... but of course, I wouldn't cash in on that debt if I were you! Whaddya say I just take these 18 pounds and dump 'em in the garbage disposal, so they don't accidentally end up haunting anyone else ever again... ;)

Okay-- I've set up a bunch of chairs here next to the Goal Weight Fireplace. I've set out a dozen mugs of steaming hot MF cocoa (with marshmallows, of course). I'll be waitin' here for some company! Who's gonna join me next? :hug:

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Happy Easter

Postby DiamondintheRough » March 27th, 2005, 9:40 am

Hi and Happy Easter!

I am down 4 lbs to 189, a total loss of 10 lbs in 15 days! I am SO glad I decided to try Medifast!

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Postby bk » March 27th, 2005, 9:49 am

Congrats Rae!!! What an accomplishment!

looks like everyone had a fantastic week! congrats to all you losers

berk: you do really need to deal with the body negativity issues. if you don't, even if you lose the weight, they will still be there. i have a model-thin friend who is a size 2 on a bad day, and she thinks she's fat, and her life would be so much better if she took off a few pounds. won't wear anything that touches her stomach, etc. the point is the demons will be there if you don't wake up and take a good look at your body and decide you like it. you can only do so much to change it, which you are, but your body type and shape is going to be the way it's going to be.

okay, now on to my week...
i'm down 3.6 lbs from last sunday to hit the FORTY POUND CLUB!!!

None of my old clothes fit except for maybe 7 tops (hint to everyone for clothes buying... stick with knit tops. i find that with woven ones, they are too small one day and too big the next.. waste of money). my closet is so large that it can actually fit a twin size bed in it. an entire half of that closet is full of hanging clothes, and the bottom is full of boxed clothes. do i ever have too much to get rid of!

i bought some stuff in 16 & 14/16 because i thought i would need more clothes... nope! i'm dropping sizes left and right! i ordered stuff from old navy (the regular size department, not the plus size) so i could get clothes a little smaller to ungrow into. i could already wear them by the time they reached me! exchange please!

from my college ID (yes i still have it, because it was the best ID picture i've ever taken), i can tell that i am smaller than I was when I started college 8.5 years ago!

i'm edging ever closer to my first big goal, which is to look like I did when I was 16 turning 17. i am no more than 20 pounds away from that goal, and most likely less. i actually have a vintage shirt i am wearing in one of the pictures of me at that age. i can put it on, but it's not quite loose enough yet!

my friends are completely amazed. i am called skinny every other day! (which is not true, but in comparison, definitely!).

i bought myself a white gold & diamond necklace to celebrate getting under 200!

oh yeah, i can go shopping with my friends now and not feel out of place!

my self-esteem has rocketed, and i feel fantastic. the energy that i used to spend on food is now being spent on more productive pursuits. i feel like i am completely turning my life around, and i love it!!!
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Postby hal1031 » March 27th, 2005, 9:50 am

Hello Everybody,

I just completed my 2nd week and I am down a total of 13 pounds; 9 for week 1 and 4 for week 2.


Congratulations to all of you that also lost weight, it is a rewarding feeling!
Last edited by hal1031 on March 27th, 2005, 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 24KaratGold » March 27th, 2005, 9:55 am

Happy Easter!

Rae, that is SO awesome! I just posted a "congrats" over in the "goal clubs" thread, and I am SO proud of you for sticking with this through that last pound. And also glad to hear that you are sticking around here, because I know how much your support has helped me along the way.

Me, I'm down 2.0 today, to 225. That's 44.5 pounds in 12 weeks. I did my measurements today, too (chest, waist, hips, thigh, calf, and upper arm), and I have lost 22.5 inches in those twelve weeks. I'd like to lose 5.5 pounds (or more, of course!) before I leave for Hawaii on April 12. That would put me in the 50 pound club, and just under 220. I suspect both of those markers would keep me motivated to behave while I'm there.

Have a great week, all.

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Postby Dean0408 » March 27th, 2005, 10:04 am

Hearty congratulations to all who have had yet another successful week resulting in melting flab and the loss of unhealthy weight. My hat is off to each of you.

Rae: The Turtle has landed.....FINALLY!!! Fantastic!! I was getting soooooo tired of that darn turtle lingering near the finish line and not moving.........I thought that turtle was dead for a while there. Now it can just sit back and rest as it watches the progress of all the other tickers.

As for me, the completion of week two saw a less dramatic, yet satisfying drop of an additonal 5 pounds. I knew my week one loss of 13.5 pounds was way above the norm, so I was not disappointed at all.

Total weight loss in two weeks = 18.5 pounds

3/13/05 = 244.5 lbs. 3/20/05 =231.0 lbs. 3/27/05 = 226.0 lbs.

I am going to do the lean and green (5 and 1) a few days a week. This may or may not slow down my progress, but having a small meal to look forward to every so often will help me keep from straying I think.

For those that may have slipped a bit this past week, take heart. The fact that you posted about it shows that you are still dedicated and will pick up the gauntlet once again in the coming week. If you didn't care, you would not have posted at all. Everything that goes into our mouths is our choice....until we hit our goals all we have to do is choose Medifast and all will be well ..... in time.

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Postby monkeymom » March 27th, 2005, 11:04 am

Good morning everyone.

HAPPY EASTER to all who celebrate.....happy weekend to those that don't :)

I haven't read through the roll call thread, as my kids are anxiously waiting for me to make biscuits and gravey for them, so I'm just going to post my loss now, and will come back later and read how everyone did this week.... I know you are all a great big bunch of LOSERS!!

This week I am claiming a 3 pound loss. The scale actually show 3.5 (so I'm really happy with that), but since I hate keeping track of those 1/2 pounds, I'm going to round it week will just look that much better ;)

Have a great day everyone......of to the kitchen for me.

Oh, when I previewed I remembered.......Unca_Tim, 30# club please :)
Thank you very much.
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Postby Judy » March 27th, 2005, 11:13 am

Happy Easter to everyone.....Special congrats to Rae,, way to go girl !!
You should feel very proud of yourself..I know we are all proud of you !
I'm down 2lbs this week...I wanted a little more.. but I'll take the 2lbs. That makes a total of 53 lbs since Jan. 1st. current weight is 235. Still alot to go...but I know I can do it, especially with all the support from all of YOU and Nancy. :goteam: See ya all lighter next week !!

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Postby joysea » March 27th, 2005, 11:20 am

Wow, what success Rae! I bet you feel on top of the world...what a gift of "rebirth" on this Easter Day. I really couldn't wait to see how you did this week. You need to set up a new ticker with lots of fireworks and bunnies to celebrate the day! No more turtles!!!

Berk, how wonderful to contemplate new beginnings! Yes, get in touch with nature. Feel life. Today is symbolic of hope!

BK, how marvelous you feel, just makes me want to feel it, too. Your enthusiasm is contagious! Congratulations!

Everyone is doing so great...I love Sundays! This roll call keeps me going all week. Whenever I am tempted, I remember how wonderful it will be next Sunday when we all join again in this celebration!

I am so excited for everyone that hit the new decade clubs, be it 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more!!! Unca is going to be pretty busy today!!!!


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Postby SneeeZeeKitten » March 27th, 2005, 1:08 pm

Forum lets me sign in but then it does not reflect that I am signed in as SneezyKitten, so here I am as "Guest"....

Week one down and 7 lbs gone :D
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Yea Rae!

Postby BSmith » March 27th, 2005, 3:08 pm

[quote="raederle"]I should've asked you guys to wish away my last pound *weeks* ago... because this week it FINALLY WORKED!!!! I even overshot by a smidge, and made it to 124.8!!!!

Good job Rae, I couldn't wait to log in and see if you had lost your last pound. I was sure you would. Great news, celebrating with you! :)
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Weigh In Today tmartin

Postby tmartin » March 27th, 2005, 3:57 pm

Wow, you are all doing awesome ;) . What is really awesome about this site is the support forum. Last time I went on a program I had to go in every single day to weigh in and there really was no support group to speak up.
Imagine the terror I felt when I went in for weigh in and did not lose anything needless to say if I was to gain I was be-rated in front of others in the group. With this program, I only have my self to be accountable to and I know this works for me cause I keep loosing and it is in a much more relaxed setting. I know there will be bad days but I will stay on track.
I started March 4th
started out at 183 goal weight is 120.
Loss to date is 16pds. Keep up the great work everyone.
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45 more to go to goal.
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Postby Karen » March 27th, 2005, 4:13 pm

I don't weigh in until Monday's, but I just had to say congrats to all of you. Great Job Rae!. Attaining any goal is a great feeling, but to attain a WEIGHT LOSS goal, must feel super fantastic!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 27th, 2005, 8:49 pm

Big, Small, or No Loss at all....You still are Winners for coming to the plate everyday!

RAE....Hearing you hit goal & then some was an EASTER PRESENT for me!!!! :cheerleader: ...make sure you save me a chair next to the goal weight may be awhile but it will be.... :yay: buddy...20 lb club...WAY TO GO... :thumbup:

For me I was down 2.6 lbs.... :D

Have a blessed Easter everyone


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