by Lauren » July 7th, 2008, 10:46 am
Hey, Brenda! Sounds like you're doing great, and I am particularly impressed by you digging up an alternate gym locale for the 4th - now THAT'S dedication!
I know you totally did not ask my (or anyone's) opinion on you setting a goal date, but can I throw one at you anyway? In my humble opinion, you should only set goals that you have absolute control over. For instance, you control the following:
What you eat
When you eat
Staying compliant
Frequency of Exercise
Type of Exercise
Amount of water you drink
What you do NOT control, however, is what the scale does with the above. It seems to me that to set any kind of goal date, whether they be mini-goals or long term ones, is really setting yourself up for a roller coaster of emotions. Sure, you might beat some, but what if you don't make others? And what if you follow all of the above perfectly and don't make that goal, does that discount the fact that you did everything you're supposed to do? It shouldn't, but emotionally speaking, it might. If you are "perfect" on plan, but miss a goal, that could be a terrible feeling, and why do that to yourself? Because, in truth, none of us have any idea what our body will do and how the scale will move. Sure, we see trends, we see averages, but we have NO CONTROL over the numbers.
My opinion is to base your goals on the stuff you can control, and let your body take care of the rest. I feel pretty confident that this is the best way to keep your head and heart feeling happy, motivated, and successful!
Just my two cents.
Best to ya!