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Postby Sojourner » June 5th, 2008, 9:20 pm

Great job getting to Day 5, Bren!
I hope things brighten up for you soon...


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby centuryclub » June 9th, 2008, 4:46 pm

hey rodeomom -

i'm sorry that you're going through your problems right now, and I hope that everything works out for you soon. But I wanted to just let you know how big of an inspiration you are to a new starter like me - I'm about to start and to see someone who has made as much progress as you have, even with a few bumps along the way, is outstanding.

Good luck!
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Postby rodeomom » June 9th, 2008, 5:15 pm

Thanks for the boosters Sojo and Century. I am doing better most days. I slipped and had a banana today and about got my head cut off by my mother who is also my HC. UGH!!! A stinking banana for crying out loud and I didn't even put any STINKING peanut butter on it! She makes me want to grab the bread and slather a load of PB & J on it then eat it right in front of her.

Anyway, PT is going OK still burning roughly 350-400 calories according to the treadmill and the bike readouts. Then doing some weight stuff too.

Doing what I can.
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Postby katesmom » June 9th, 2008, 7:04 pm

Hi Rodeo !
It's me Wilson...I am here and will be here a lot more once the school year ends...My sister in law and I are going to re-start together in a few days once all of her food arrives ! I can't wait to feel the burn again...Sure do miss chatting with you...Hope we can resume our chats !

Wilson :)
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Postby rodeomom » June 23rd, 2008, 2:45 pm

Man, I get so fed up with the re re re re re starting crap that I keep doing. Why can't I just get my head back in the game and get this weight loss journey over with? OK, perhaps depression and much other crap in my life have something to do with it, but still. This is rediculous!

I am NOT EVEN CLOSE to my ticker weight, which was not accurate when I entered it anyway.

On the positive side... I am working out daily, burning over 400 calories (according to the machines) during each work out. I am on the "altered program" suggested by Doctor Anderson himself for about 5 days a week, then (Negative side) something happens and my emotions run wild (see previous entried RE Borderline Disorder) and I cram a peanut butter and jelly sandwich down my throat. Once I do that, I figure, "Welp, I screwed up. That will take me out of fat burning. Might as well go have an ice cream sandwhich or three while I am at it."

Someone just kick me in the @$$ and get me started again. I was averaging a pound a day last fall, I know this works if I stay on it. I just can't get my frickin head in the game!
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Postby Mike » June 23rd, 2008, 11:26 pm

Hey there Bren,

Didn't Dr. A do that on the call a few weeks ago? ;)

If not, here's one for ya :shoot:... and we got a whole bunch of restarters here to restart with ya. :whip:
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Postby rodeomom » June 24th, 2008, 5:37 am

UUUUHHHH, yea - that was a few weeks ago. :oops: :oops: I do OK for about 5 days then BAM! :shock: :x Something comes along to knock me down. I get up and going again, then something else happens.

I just hate this on again off again junk.
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Postby BiggerInTexas » June 24th, 2008, 11:16 am

I know whatcha mean. I knew I was getting off track last year but I just let it happen ... argh. Someone told me at some point it just "clicks" and I'd want to stick to the program 100% and start exercising. Still waitin' for the "click." You're still exercising, though, which is a HUGE step! :D
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Postby DogMa » June 24th, 2008, 11:58 am

Hey, I did the program for a year and a half and have been on maintenance for almost two years, and I STILL have those moments. More than I care to think about.

I think the key (at least for some of us) is to accept that you ARE going to fall off the wagon on occasion. So maybe just try working on that all-or-nothing attitude that makes you follow the pb&j sandwich (which isn't ideal, but it's not THAT tragic) with the ice cream sandwiches. Yes, you ate something off plan (and btw, if you just eat that one thing and go back on plan, chances are it won't mess things up too much because just one carb meal, eaten within an hour, will NOT affect your blood sugar and insulin levels the same way), but that doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towel. If you get right back on plan, you'll most likely be fine and show a loss for the week.

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Postby Diana » June 24th, 2008, 1:51 pm

Hey, Brenda.

There are all kinds of psychological reasons why it's harder than the first time. Work on your "why," stay in contact with your health coach DAILY if needed, remember that it's going to take longer and be harder to get into the swing of things this time. In the words of Yoda, "Do or do not; there is no try." Each time, it's a choice. Flogging yourself, too, is a choice.

I understand how hard it is to turn the tapes off in your head. I've had my own emotional battles, more than I've ever shared on this forum. And it's probably the hardest thing you've ever done, but YOU have got to be your own best advocate! You already know what to do, why, how, etc. So, work on killing those voices in your head that are telling you you can't, you're not worth it, you're not strong enough, it doesn't matter. It's not easy, but it's simple -- just like this plan. And each small success leads to another small success, which leads to a whole pile of success of varying sizes.

So, don't take no for an answer. Kick your own @$$. Respect your own boundaries. Determine who you are, who you want to be, then be that and nothing else! And Brenda, you know this as well as anyone else -- it's sounds hard, impossible even, and it IS hard (but not impossible). Chunk it down to 10 minutes at a time if you have to, track how many successful 10 minute increments you have in a day, then watch them grow.

You are the only one who can do it, though. The best advice in the world is absolutely useless until you internalize it and make it yours.
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Postby Mike » June 24th, 2008, 1:58 pm

rodeomom wrote: Something comes along to knock me down. I get up and going again, then something else happens.

I just hate this on again off again junk.

I ask you one question that I have heard Dr. A ask people alot in these situations: "What do you want?"
We just need to determine what our goal is and keep our eyes on that. We need to make the secondary choices to reach our ultimate goal. Keep at it, make the course corrections as Robin was saying, and you will get there.
If we give up when we slip up, we never will get there.

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Postby rodeomom » June 24th, 2008, 4:02 pm

Thanks guys!!! That all makes perfect sense and was just what I needed.

Diana - Jane has asked me many times - "What is your why?" I think I have a hard time focusing on that. I am going to make a sign to put on my bathroom mirror with that question on it. Plain and simple "WHAT IS YOUR WHY?" The answer is simple too - my daughter, I want to be there for all those imporatant moments of her life. Some people will say that a "why" that is for someone else isn't good enough. My answer to that would be that with a low self esteem and all the yuck that goes with it - doing something for myself isn't enough motivation. Many times I don't think that I am worth it, but I will never EVER believe that she is not worth it.

DogMa - your reasoning makes sense and I appreciate your encouragement. Your right, if one must have a weakness - a PB&J can be considered one of the lessers of the evils. (what the heck? - did I ever mention I have an English degree :roll: )

Mike - I don't know that I can answer the question of what I want. That one I will have to work on....

Tex - Some of the exercising is pretty much mandated since I am on worker's comp and it is part of physical therapy. I can take credit for what I call my "off duty work-outs" though. I am only required to go in to the gym 3 times a week. For the last 3 weeks I have made it in at least 5 times a week and last week I went 6 and woulda gone on Sunday, but they were closed. I can't say that I feel like I am addicted to exercise like others on MMT have said in the past BUT, I do feel better and have a better day when I work out in the morning. The down side to that is the little bugger in my brain that wants to convince me that since I burned more than 400 calories this morning that it is OK to have an ice cream sundae tonight! ;) :?

Phychology is what this is all about in the long run. Dealing with emotions, stress and life in general in a healthy, self-caring way instead of melting down and being self desructive.
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Postby BiggerInTexas » June 25th, 2008, 7:41 am

Hey, Rodeo! How goes the MF journey today?

I got one step closer to my exercise goal - I cleaned off the treadmill! :D WooHoo! How did you get hurt?

Actually, DH and I are gonna join a gym after work Thursday. We'd do it tonight but I'm headin' out with the girlfriends tonight to a free concert in the park. I love summer in Austin! But tomorrow - down to business! I even set up an appointment with a personal trainer! I can use the treadmills and the elliptical machines (I actually like those best of the choices of torture, oops, exercise options), but I'm always intimidated by the weight machines. I figure this time I'll get someone to teach me how to use them and set up a routine for me!

Maybe the "WHY" and the "CLICK" are the same thing. Lemme know if you figure it out! :D Actually, yesterday was my first day on the diet of complete compliance! :shock: I've been back on for 3 weeks and I've lost 15lbs, which is wonderful. But you'd think it would be an incentive to be completely compliant so I'd lose faster, but no, I'd still slip extras in. I think instead of finding my click I'm finding my discipline, apparently one day atta time!
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Postby DogMa » June 25th, 2008, 8:53 am

One other thought on wanting to pack it in after one slip. I've seen this phrased a few different ways, but ... if you messed up at work (or at home, if you're a stay-at-home mom), would you just say, "Oh, well, the day's blown, I might as well just give up and screw up the rest of the day, too"? Of course not. So why should food be any different?

I also just read last night (in Shape? One of those magazines, anyway) that you should tell yourself (and others) that you are someone who cares about health and fitness, and you watch what you eat and eat healthfully. And if you become KNOWN as someone who does those things, you're more likely to BECOME someone who does those things. Which I think is true. When I'm around people who know I'm trying to eat healthfully, I'm more likely to do it because it's expected of me. When we have birthday cake in the office, people expect me to skip the cake. So even if I'm tempted by it, I'm more likely to pass it up.

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Postby Mike » June 25th, 2008, 10:35 am

DogMa wrote:tell yourself (and others) that you are someone who cares about health and fitness, and you watch what you eat and eat healthfully. And if you become KNOWN as someone who does those things, you're more likely to BECOME someone who does those things. Which I think is true. When I'm around people who know I'm trying to eat healthfully, I'm more likely to do it because it's expected of me. When we have birthday cake in the office, people expect me to skip the cake. So even if I'm tempted by it, I'm more likely to pass it up.

This is so true Robin. As Health Coaches, we find that one of the ways we are more likely to pass up things we are tempted by is that we need to be good role models for our clients. I feel guilt when I don't and it just helps keep me going on the right track.

Bren, we hope that you are feeling better today and just remember to call upon those whom you have in your life (God, family, friends) to support you.

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