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Postby rodeomom » October 8th, 2007, 6:22 am

Elizabeth, I sent you a PM. I want everyone to know how much I am encouraged by being "taken into the fold" so openly.

This is part of what I sent to you...

Thanks for the encouragement. I didn't think I had been here long enough for someone to actually be "looking" for my post. You are sweet to let me know that I really do count here.

Thanks again
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Postby Out*With*The*Old » October 8th, 2007, 6:55 am

Hey girl, keep your chin up and just ignore your Mom :-). I'm sure she is trying to be helpful - mine does the same thing - but often times it comes across the wrong way to us (or to me). You're doing great, you are losing so just keep doing what you're doing - - you know the plan, so work it girl :-) Ohhhhhhhhh, love that song! :-P
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Postby BerkshireGrl » October 8th, 2007, 5:18 pm


Good evening! :) (That always reminds me of Dracula... Gooooood evvvening!)

That really is a very sweet photo of you at the grocery :D I like the story behind it too!

My befores are mixed into the Studio somewhere here too. Oi. One of me taken in my parents' backyard I like to call "Most Unflattering Ever." And that was, um, 40 pounds less I think! :shock: Eeeeee! *runs screaming from the room* Funny how two Benjamins can glue themselves on and I don't notice much of anything heheheh!

Except those &^%#$ shrinking chairs! And now they have spread to Ohio! This could be on par with Killer Bees! Can't the feds just spray for them or something? What exactly is my tax dollars being used for if not customized office furniture? How do they expect us to keep the economy going I ask? :roll:

Your mom with her "too snug" comments... hmmm... I'm trying to think of a good comeback that gets the job done but keeps the peace... Maybe... "Better too snug and soon to be loose, than too loose and soon to be snug?" Or... "Shut it"? ;) Ok, maybe not the last bit. :twisted:

Gotta love family. My grandmother was great for those comments, but mostly they were behind my back, so that was cool :lol: Of course Gram was never over a size 8 in her entire life. I think most of it she was a 6. And that was a size 6 from the 1940s, not a modern vanity-increased 6. And she had tiny feet... and never sweated that I could see... and had no hair on her legs naturally. I inherited absolutely zero of those genes.

Don't sweat the intensive board surfing! You are not alone! I'm pretty pathetic in that regard too. My cat is my hot date tonight. She tries to be cute and all, but she ain't no cowboy from Montana! Whooooie! You go! :twisted:

Good job on the closet ejecting too! Isn't it great to do that? :D I'm not at that stage yet... "starting from scratch" indeed, hehehe! Not really... I have had (cough cough) a few restarts trying to get off the pizza pipe. I needed to get back on MF before I moved next door to the local dealer/pizza joint, or took up residence in a big cardboard box out back like some Pizza Troll. Thank you for spinning it positively, heh! ;)

Have a good evening! :wave:
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Postby rodeomom » October 8th, 2007, 5:28 pm

Berk! Your wonderful. All I need to do is find one of your posts and I am smileing, then laughing, the rolling in the isles - which at my size isn't so easy. Espeically when I gotta get out of one of those lousy chairs. We should start a petition to stop the spread of the amazing shrinking arm chairs. :lol:

As for my mom, if I can deal with her buying me the cool school clothes 2 sizes too small as a teenager, I should be able to handle the "snug" comment. I just don't understans WHY I let her get to me like that.

Well, my daughter thought it was pretty cool that I can now wear something from tah dah drum roll please --- AMERICAN EAGLE!!! Yes, ladies and gents I bought something at AE FOR ME!! Sure it is an XL stretchy tank top to wear UNDER other stuff, but I can wear it AND still breath without ripping it.
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Postby Lizabette » October 8th, 2007, 7:30 pm

Glad to meet you and enjoyed reading your journal.
Darlin' girl, don't be too hard on your mom, she's only trying to help you, 'cause she loves you!
Say, you are doing good...I really like what you said in your journal---it is absolutely the truth.

If I have learned anything in the last two weeks it is that this plan is not for anyone who is not serious about getting healthy and losing weight. A person MUST be in the right state of mind and ready to make serious changes in all aspects of their life before they can be successful on this program. I am glad I was ready.

I'm glad you are ready too. You'll reach your goal, no question!
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » October 8th, 2007, 7:47 pm

I do everything backwards so here I am saying .."Heyy or would that be HAY :lol: Nice to meet ya!" I enjoyed reading your journal as well and agree with Lizabette, I like what you said about being ready.



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Postby rodeomom » October 8th, 2007, 8:59 pm

Hay - there to you too Gina. Thanks for your notes, both here and in my studio thread. It is so true that one has to be ready in mind, body and spirit for this to really work. There was a very long period of time in my life that TSFL and MF would not have worked for me, but it wouldn't have been the program's fault - it would have been mine.

I am truly ready for this journey and all that will come with. Man, I am so glad to have found MMT and this board. What a support team I am building here. There have been times the last few days that I would have fallen off plan if I hadn't just come here to read. Even if the words weren't said to me, they still helped.

Thanks again to everyone. I only hope I can be as much of a support to ya'll as ya'll are to me.
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Postby rodeomom » October 9th, 2007, 8:56 am

So, day 18 on MF and all is pretty well. I feel pretty good in general, though my fibromyalgia is acting up a little. Simple confession here, I knew this plan was easy, but I really didn't think I was going to be able to stay OP quite so easily. When people complain to me about the cost of the program I use the typical - "so you aren't going to spend any money at the grocery store or fast food for you in the next five weeks at all right". I always get the "well, yes, but....."

Then I remind them that this is a comittment. That $275 or whatever is an investment into a healthier better life for you (me). Yes, it sucks that I am broke, but knowing I have made that investment IN ME keeps me from driving to McDonnald's for that oh so heavenly Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagle. Sure I miss the Snickers bars, chicken nuggets and BEC bagels, BUT I DON'T miss those 30 pounds that are gone.

When my dad made the comment that he noticed I was losing I about flew into his arms. Since my mother wants to be miss negative these days, was dieing to hear something positive. And who better to hear it from than a man that literally did not notice that he left the cupboard door open until he WHACKED himself in the head on it?

I am encouraged that nobody has filed a lawsuit against me for broken monitors since viewing my pics on my studio thread. I am even more encouraged by the wonderful remarks that people are leaving for me both there and here. Sometimes even though we can see a change in ourselves we don't know if others can see it. When I am discouraged, I will come back here and see that I am not the only one who gets discouraged and I will look at those encourageing remarks and pick myself up and move on.

So, right now - I am going shopping. Sears 90% off sale HERE I COME!

Thanks everyone - biki, katesmom, lizbeth, gina, berk! You are a great team that I hope I will soon be considered a part of.
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Postby queenielou » October 9th, 2007, 9:08 am

Hey Rodeomom,

It's great to see that you are doing so well on plan! I've been having breakfast sandwich cravings lately but I know that's about the worst thing I could do for myself - start of the day with a horrible for me meal and spend the rest of the day trying to eat enough bad food to justify having a day off. Sick, I know.

Your pictures in the studio really do show a difference. I hope the next 30 pounds leave as quickly as the first 30 pounds did. Keep up the great work!
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Postby Sojourner » October 9th, 2007, 7:25 pm

queenielou wrote:Your pictures in the studio really do show a difference.


Congrats, Rodeo...your efforts are really paying off for you, huh?
Hey ~ maybe you can have your dad talk to your mom and
turn her around some! Or perhaps she just needs to visit that
cupboard door?? Ooooooh, that was SO not nice!
And to make matters worse, I think it's the first time I've "met" you. :roll:
Oh well, there really is no "easing in" to my snarkiness!
So, there you are. ;)

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby rodeomom » October 9th, 2007, 7:38 pm

Queenielou - Those breakfast sandwiches sure do know how to call out don't they. I think I would beat myself up if I fell prey to them at this point. Probably go on some horrible benge which would include Ben & Jerry's, Pizza Hut and Lord knows what else. As much as I just long to sink my teeth into a BEC bagle, I know I just can't right now.

Thanks for letting me know I am not alone. And thanks for the kind remarks about my pics.
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Postby rodeomom » October 9th, 2007, 7:43 pm


I can't believe this. Ok, so my daughter has always been an American Eagle fan. The little twerp has never had any problem fitting into their mediums. I, on the other hand, have always had to just sit and enjoy and she tried on everything on the rack. Well today I took a little trip to the mall - you know for excersize. I wandered into AE to check out what was on clearance for the kid for Christmas. Just happened to see some very cute tank tops on sale. GUESS WHAT... the XL fit me! Unbelieveable - I CAN WEAR SOMETHING FROM AMERICAN EAGLE. The person running the fitting room must have thought I hurt something because I am sure there were tears in my eyes. At that point it could have been the most expensive thing in the store. I didn't care that sucker was comeing home with me. The kicker is that it was only $3 bucks! Now, mind you, it is tight, but the seams didn't bust out. In fact I didn't hear any kind of poping sounds of thread while I was trying it on.

I gotta say, I started the day with a headache and that stupid pain in my shoulder, but I was feeling pretty good after that trip to the mall. Thanks to my friends here on MMT I was able to cash in on the 90% off sale at Sears AND I found out that JC Penny's is also having a big clearance (50% off red tags). Can you believe I got 2 pairs of Levis for $1.99 each? Even better they are 22's, I haven't worn 22's for over 10 years.

Man, I feel pretty good right now. So how is everyone else?

Thanks for letting me brag. It feels so great - I can wear something from American Eagle. I just can't believe it.
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Postby Mike » October 9th, 2007, 8:28 pm

rodeomom wrote:

I am encouraged that nobody has filed a lawsuit against me for broken monitors since viewing my pics on my studio thread.

OMG... I almost feel out of my chair laughing. I can hear Larry the Cable Guy saying it too... "that's funny right there, I don't care who ya are"....

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
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Postby queenielou » October 9th, 2007, 10:58 pm

Congrats on the NSVs at the mall today!!! It is always a great feeling to be able wear sizes you couldn't wear before. Great deal on the jeans and the tank which is good because you'll be flying through the 20s really fast and on to the teens! Keep up the great work :)
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Postby bikipatra » October 10th, 2007, 1:29 am

Congrats! I felt the very same way when I could wear a L in BCBG again. Just don't go out and buy 41 tank tops. They might put you on certain medications.... :lol:
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