Good evening!
(That always reminds me of Dracula... Gooooood evvvening!)
That really is a very sweet photo of you at the grocery
I like the story behind it too!
My befores are mixed into the Studio somewhere here too. Oi. One of me taken in my parents' backyard I like to call "Most Unflattering Ever." And that was, um, 40 pounds less I think!
Eeeeee! *runs screaming from the room* Funny how two Benjamins can glue themselves on and I don't notice much of anything heheheh!
Except those &^%#$ shrinking chairs! And now they have spread to Ohio! This could be on par with Killer Bees! Can't the feds just spray for them or something? What exactly is my tax dollars being used for if not customized office furniture? How do they expect us to keep the economy going I ask?
Your mom with her "too snug" comments... hmmm... I'm trying to think of a good comeback that gets the job done but keeps the peace... Maybe... "Better too snug and soon to be loose, than too loose and soon to be snug?" Or... "Shut it"?
Ok, maybe not the last bit.
Gotta love family. My grandmother was great for those comments, but mostly they were behind my back, so that was cool
Of course Gram was never over a size 8 in her entire life. I think most of it she was a 6. And that was a size 6 from the 1940s, not a modern vanity-increased 6. And she had tiny feet... and never sweated that I could see... and had no hair on her legs naturally. I inherited absolutely zero of those genes.
Don't sweat the intensive board surfing! You are not alone! I'm pretty pathetic in that regard too. My cat is my hot date tonight. She tries to be cute and all, but she ain't no cowboy from Montana! Whooooie! You go!
Good job on the closet ejecting too! Isn't it great to do that?
I'm not at that stage yet... "starting from scratch" indeed, hehehe! Not really... I have had (cough cough) a few restarts trying to get off the pizza pipe. I needed to get back on MF before I moved next door to the local dealer/pizza joint, or took up residence in a big cardboard box out back like some Pizza Troll. Thank you for spinning it positively, heh!
Have a good evening!