I reward myself too. And I'm a big girl now and those rewards don't include food. LOL! (I remember when every reward was food related)
For 20 lbs lost I bought some much needed skirts for work.
For 30 lbs I got my nails done at a nice salon and he did such a good job, I'm leaving my regular nail person....I feel like I'm cheating, but damn they look good. I was supposed to get a pedicure, but let's just say I chickened out. LOL!
40 lbs lost I'm going to the Red sox....so I don't know if I'll make it, but it'll be pretty close. (I have about 3 weeks to lose 8 lbs) I think I can do it.
I'm going anyway. LOL!
So for 50lbs lost, I'm getting that pedicure done...I'm hoping the weightloss will coincide with June so I can do for my birthday too and bring my bestfriend.
60 lbs lost....I'm wanting a new charm on my charm bracelet....
70lbs or goal....I'm thinking a new wardrobe.
A girl can dream can't she?