So here's an update. Got a divorce, then after a year thought I had found Ms. Right (not the case). Moved back to where I grew up and got a teaching job back in that area. All along was pretty low and depressed.. thus, regained. Then lost again. Finally after getting out of a bad situation I lived with my mom from last October to last month. Things were much better, reconnected with someone I was close to 16 years ago and it was like no time had passed. So, I now live is southern Pennsylvania and am on a job search. Hope something comes through soon. Anyhow, restarted Monday and am enjoying the newer products that I hadn't tried before. The Brownies are slammin' lol
Okay, guess that's probably too much info, but I'm wordy. I have lots of experience with this program and as an HA as well. Recipes are my forte.
Tim, if you read this, I"M BACK!!