Well...here I am...back to get the rest of this weight off
A little about me and MF-I began this diet in April 2005 and admit that I didn't stick to it 100% at times but I put forth great effort and, on the 5/1 plan, without any exercise I lost 70 lbs in 8 months. During the year 2006, I was on/off/on/off MF. I think I was basically maintaining myself-being true to the diet when a function was coming, etc. Letting myself eat off the plan when the event was over. Does that make sense? Irregardless, a year later I am pretty much at the same weight I was at around this same time last year. I consider that a good thing for me personally, I have not ballooned back to the 350 I once weighed and can still wear a size 18 (I HATE the scale and often judge whats going on weight wise by how my clothes fit/feel).
So now I am back on MF. Wholeheartedly. I want to get to 180. Quick. Hoping to add exercise to rid myself of this flab from my weight loss in recent years. I believe that this time around I will do the full fast versus the 5/1. I believe 180 is realistic--I will never be rail thin and I think once I get to 180 I can evaluate how I look and feel and move on down the ladder if I want. I must admit that its nice for ONCE IN MY LIFE to not be saying "I need to lose 50 lbs"--as I am 46 from 180
I found this board to be so much support before. I am hoping that it will be once again. Hello Nancy, and anyone else that may be lurking about from my last time on here. Pats on the back, similiar goals....its all just so inspiring and what I need to be motivated and kicked in the butt to get this done once and for all.
Please wish me luck. I should probably add that I am on day 2 of what I consider my start, and not re-start of MF.
Lee Ann