Restarting the program...again

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby TamiL » April 21st, 2004, 6:13 am

Thanks Nancy.... :D

Your post really motivated me, I am doing fine..on day 3 all over again..but going strong...ketosis is coming back..I can taste it in my mouth..and as yucky as it tastes...ITS GREAT!! not letting go of it this time!! :D

Tami....movin on...I WILL NOT QUIT!! ;)

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Postby Starloser63 » April 21st, 2004, 6:17 am


I was just going to post to see how you were doing. I am glad you back at it. I knew you would be. I am on day 5 and loving it. I don't know if it was easier this time because I was so sick last week or my head is still on straight!

Lets keep shaking and get to our GOAL!

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Postby Nancy » April 21st, 2004, 8:38 am

Hey, there Tami & Susan ~

Happy to hear from you. Some days it is an hour by hour thing. I know! I have been struggling myself lately - wanting to eat everything that isn't nailed down. My latest newsletter was about stress - because I am experiencing it NOW so I am daily choosing to think about what happens when I get out of control: flab flings itself right back onto my thighs - not gonna let it happen. I am drinking my water and having a few more shakes this week. I am going to be at a health fair this weekend and I wanna BE sharp, feel sharp, look sharp and act sharp! I think that Medifast makes my brain work better than it does when I eat a bunch of highly processed stuff, don't you?

Have a great day, Gals - shake and slurp! :cheers:
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