Well, as a RErestarter, AGAIN, what can I say that hasn't already been said?
I've been checking into this fabulous forum now and again to see...
1. lots of Newbies making a wonderful decision to start MF and create a healthier (and in some cases, happier) life.
2. lots of success stories who are at, near, or moving towards their goal (and I would love to name all of you who have inspired and motivated me,
but it would take too long)
3. many (re)restarters, like myself, who may have reached goal and gained weight back, or come close to goal before slipping back and gaining or maintaining.
Well, here's my story - 2 1/2 years ago, I stumbled onto MF, joined, and came within a few pounds of goal after only around 5 months. I have restarted several times since then to lose anywhere between 15-40 pounds, only to slip off MF and return to my old eating habits.
I think I'm finally getting it, whether I'm on MF, or at goal maintaining, I must eat healhty and sensible to stay at a healthy weight and to look, feel, and be a healthy person. This is hard to admit, and I know it's obvious, but I admit I always had the idea lurking in the back of my mind that I could reach goal and then eat what I wanted. I KNOW, I KNOW, you don't even need to say it. And I've always been very active, but you know, it gets much harder to be very active as I get older and carry around this extra weight.
Soooooooooooooo, here I am, humbly returning, looking forward to your support, motivation, inspiration, or just kind words to keep me going to goal.
10 days ago, I created a little journal that runs 10 days on each page. I printed up 10 pages to start my first "100 Day Challenge". At the bottom of each page is my weigh-in day, so it's kind of motivating to have 10 days to lose. I just remind myself, "come on, it's only 100 days." And now, it's only 90 more days with 11 less pounds to lose. I'm so excited to get to that last page and see how much closer I am to goal.
I'll keep checking in when I can. I look forward to seeing how well all of you are doing, and I can't wait to share how much less of me there is in only 10 more days.
Oh, and I'll have to give back those 9 lbs. and go back to the 10 pound club, but now for long