Jo, You have one near you called the Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival. If you search for that in google you will find a web page.

That is the closest one.
Jan, Your state has a ton of faires, but I couldn't even begin to know which are close to you. Most people don't hear about ren faires unless they are looking for them. These are the ones in your state:
Camlann Medieval Faire
Greenspire Medieval Arts Festival
Kent Canterbury Faire
Washington Renaissance Fantasy Faire
Lilacs and Roses Renaissance Faire
Northwest Renaissance Festival
Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire
A "ren faire" is a medieval re-enactment for fantasy and fun purposes. They're usually held in some out of the way area probably due to rental costs of the property. Everyone who works at the faire is dressed up in what is considered period clothing for the time they have set their faire in. There's a Queen and a King. They have jousting and craziness. Everyone working the faire talks with a medieval accent. Some people (like me

) dress up like the people who work there when they go to faire. It gives you a little more immersion into the fun rather than being just a spectactor. There are people selling jewelry, swords, clothes, toys. They have crazy foods like turkey legs, steak on a stake, etc. No burgers and fries usually. I dunno.. it's fun!
I'm bad about taking pictures, but if I do I'll post them so you guys can see what I mean.