Reintroduction--back on board :)

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Reintroduction--back on board :)

Postby Simmshe » July 1st, 2004, 9:18 pm

Hi everyone :),

I'm back here on the board, reintroducing myself. I came to the forum in early May and got a warm welcome--thanks Nancy, Mike, Unca, Kat, Pam, Landylue, and Marseilles for taking the time to respond to me when I was last here! Sorry for dropping out of sight, but coinciding with my contemplation/preparation of beginning Medifast, I was sidelined, emotionally by a serious depressive episode that had been brewing for a couple of months and climaxed in early May (I've been clinically depressed off and on since my teen years). Anyways, things are MUCH better now ... I've busted through some emotional blocks that have been hindering me for a long time. It seems that things often get worse before they get better, and I have gone through this time and time again in my life!

Okay, I won't ramble on ... now for the really good part--I started the full fast (shakes, chili, bars, etc.) on Monday and am 100% committed to the program--committed to myself! The first three days were HARD, but I made it through and subdued all temptations. I have been lurking for weeks now, reading tons of posts here, admiring everyone, feeling everyone's frustrations ... I just wasn't going to come back until I knew that I was completely ready, mentally and emotionally, to begin the program and had fully committed to it--I hate to half-step with things--gotta do it all the way or don't do it at all. Unfortunately, through a serious 6 weeks of crazy bingeing (I'm talking 5,000 calorie, addicted binges a few times a week), I gained around 8 pounds, so my start weight is higher--but it's okay--not beating myself up, today's a new day.

I will post my first week's results on Sunday, during Roll call. It will only be six days from my start date, but I'm making my weigh-in day on Sunday (okay--scale addict here, it's not like I'm not already weighing myself, but I'll post my official loss on Sunday). I'm truly motivated to follow Medifast for two reasons--to lose weight (and break out of my self-imposed prison!), and very importantly, to help break my compulsive/binge eating habit that I have struggled with since I was 14 years old (now 31 years old). I am
soooo looking forward to having a healthy relationship with food again, and having this structure and a disciplined plan, which I have rebelled against structure forever (I'm going through emotional food withdrawal, too, by the way) is really key for me. The real work, of course, is inside and I'm looking forward even more to my Medifast plan being on autopilot so I can really focus on growing and ending my compulsive problem of using food like medicine, my best friend, and other roles that food has played in my life.

Okay guys, this has been long enough! Sorry, I can really get on a roll sometimes! I just really appreciate everyone's support. Even though I haven't been here, I feel supported just by reading your posts. All righty, it's past my bedtime (and PMS fatigue is killing me!), so I'll go now!

Thanks for letting me share everyone :)! I'll be around a lot, and will definitely get into the swing of posting. Also, working on a picture--I should have one by next week to post (of course I have to get one taken--I avoid cameras like the plague, as I'm sure some of you can relate to :? ).

Talk to you all later :D!

Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

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Welcome Back

Postby Echo » July 1st, 2004, 10:45 pm

Hi Simmshe,

What you wrote is really from the heart and your determination to succeed is clear. You can do this! :coach: Now is the time, everything is going to fall into place for you and you will get control of your health and your weight forever. Believe that. :!:

A while back there were some posts about negative self talk. I used to do that constantly. The more weight I gained, the harder I was on myself, the more I would say <snip>Mr. Snippy</snip> I suck, the more weight I would gain. A vicious cycle until I didn't even recognize myself physically or emotionally. :help:

Where I once had the nickname 'pollyanna' because I was so optimistic and positive and spent my time hiking, biking, playing tennis, at the beach, etc. I had turned into a lazy, negative, overweight, depressed and depressing person.

The people who succeed at this make it a complete lifestyle change. They reclaim their lives and make their health a priority. Yes, it's great to lose the weight, but the losing the emotional weight is almost as good.

I caught myself doing some self talking today. There was nothing negative about it. :wavie: And, I realized how happy I have been lately, more excited about life than I was 25 lbs ago for sure! I'm rambling, but I wanted you to know that we are in this together. :goteam:
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » July 2nd, 2004, 2:18 am


What a meaningful post. I can so relate to medicating with food, and the self-imposed imprisonment. You WILL succeed. We are behind you. If it gets tough, just look over your shoulder. This forum and all the wonderful people on it, are always here.

Thank you for sharing. It's always nice to know we're not alone in our struggles. This program really works, and it feels so good to do something so positive for yourself. You deserve it, and it's only a matter of time you'll feel an inner happier wholeness.

Be seeing you around, :wavie:
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Postby RavenKat » July 2nd, 2004, 4:44 am

Welcome back Sheryl!!!!!

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Postby explorthis » July 2nd, 2004, 8:11 am

am 100% committed to the program--committed to myself!

Sheryl, I remember you well!! Welcome back. I look forward to you being here on a regular basis, and for Medifast to work for you.

Again, welcome back for good!

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Postby Simmshe » July 2nd, 2004, 9:55 am

Thanks everyone--you all are great! I feel like I have just been group hugged :).

Yep, I'm back for good! And you are so right Echo--the negative self-talk will get us nothing but negativity. It's so important to learn to treat ourselves with the kindness, understanding, and patience that we often give to others, but would rather castigate ourselves instead of giving ourselves these same things! It's wonderful that you have turned your negative self-talk into positive self-talk :).

It feels good to share and feel supported--and sharing is VERY hard for me ... often the fat road is filled with isolation. I am wishing everyone on here the BEST, too! We may fall down sometimes, but we just get back up and try again until we get it! And when we have a hard time getting back up, we give each other a hand with getting up :stroll:. And Mike, I really like your no-holds-barred advice and inspiration--I'm the type of person who needs it sometimes--I sometimes think I know everything and need to be humbled (of course I kick and scream a bit first!).

Thanks again guys, and congratulations on your phenomenal losses! And Camille, I see that you just lost 20lbs--good for you :cleader:!

Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure--Confucius
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Postby Simmshe » July 2nd, 2004, 10:04 am

Also, thanks Kat for the welcome back! Glad that you are back on track and feeling better :-). I read your post from earlier in the week where you were having a tough time--I'm glad you have bounced back :). By the way, how do you like "Success in a Shaker Jar"? Any background info. on the author? I know she wrote another book, "Life is Hard, Food is Easy," but did she lose weight on Medifast? Okay, just curious, I'm thinking about buying it myself.


Sheryl :)
Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure--Confucius
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Postby Landylue » July 2nd, 2004, 8:06 pm

Sheryl! Good heavens, girl, welcome back! Don't leave us again now.
You are going to be amazed at just how fast you reach your first goal. I am so proud of you for doing this for yourself! Hang out here on the forum as often as you can. It really does help tremendously.

I can relate, by the way, to every single word you wrote, and just reading your post made me feel like I wasn't so alone in this fight.

The very best of luck, Sheryl.

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Postby RavenKat » July 3rd, 2004, 5:19 am


Looks like we are neighbors! I live in Maryland. :-)

Anyway, I know nothing about the author although I'm sure it says in the preface of the book. I jumped right past that part and started reading. I really like it. It covers EVERYTHING that I have been through so far, and has me thinking about the future. I recommend it! I'll check the qualifications of the author and get back to you on that.

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Postby Simmshe » July 3rd, 2004, 10:05 pm

Thank you much Landylue! I'm happy to be back :). And I come to this forum obsessively almost! I get a lot from everyone here, just reading current and back posts, and I hope that I can be helpful to others, too :).

And thanks Kat for the info. about the book--it sounds like something I definitely want to read--I'll order it this weekend. And yes, we are neighbors! But, of course you have the convenience of being near the city (Baltimore and D.C.) without having to live it in! I envy you ... I'm looking for a bit more peace and quiet and elbow room :nutz:!

Oh well, time for bed--I'm a little drugged up here--Aunt Flo is trying to kill me :x.

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday!

Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure--Confucius
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