Shiney, Darlin' ~
You just keep stalking me! I
SO want to meet you. Maybe this summer...
People, my dear, dear MakeMeThinner People, I want to meet
you, too, whenever it works out.
Sometimes it's just for an hour at the airport - right,

Slender HawaiiWhatNot?
I used to look longingly at the 'before' and 'after' pictures of people in magazines and on TV.
I always wondered if they were
real live people.
I would read their testimonials and think about how I would love for their story to become
MY story.
Of course I never met anyone I'd ever seen in print or on the tube.
Their story never became my story.
The small print always says, "Results not typical."
I had some friends that had lost 30-40 pounds and kept maybe 20 of it off but never knew anyone personally that had done what I needed to do.
Imagine, I needed to dump half of my body weight.
It was a daunting task.
Some of you are facing the same challenge.
Some of you need to lose
twice as much as I did.
And you
I want you to know that it
IS possible.
That's why I enjoy meeting you.
It also makes me feel a bit like I am getting ready for a blind date.

I am very excited, I can't sleep for a few days before we leave on a trip.

I also worry - will you like me?
Will you think I look ok? Will I be thin enough?
I am not perfect.
I have areas that I would love to have airbrushed and/or sucked off/rearranged, etc.
I'm just a 56 year old lady with sprinkles of silver fur among the dark ones, experience lines on my forehead and around my eyes,
my lips are not pouty and plump like Anjelina Jolie
but I am
one passionate-about-your-health plucky lady that loves to wear animal print and avante garde stuff,
who is
living the rest of her life on the edge of all her possibilities and I want to meet
YOU and instill in
YOU the Medifast Hope.
I am
REAL, People, I am
You can

touch me and we'll blab it up when we meet, Friends!
My story can become
YOUR story, if you comply with the plan, reach your goal, go through tranny properly and follow the suggested steps to maintenance.