Recovering well from yesterday's small whoopsie...

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Recovering well from yesterday's small whoopsie...

Postby MomJackieLee » June 9th, 2004, 2:02 pm

Had a rough day yesterday when I agreed to come in and work for someone out sick... Then another person called out sick and I was stuck trying to do the ER assessments for two hospitals at once as well as re-do two problems from the previous shift. Ye-gads...real life...

Well I did have my shake packets with me but NO TIME to stop and shake. By the end of the day I was exhausted and hungry and to top it off got home and no one had made any effort to even start dinner...

I had a bit of a slip, but quite minor compared to some of my ones in the past. I had a few (10) Kashi crackers with bean dip (Guiltless Gourmet) and 2 pieces of deli ham and my beloved pickles. I caught myself, made a double (shake, not alcohol) and got back on track. Today was at home and back to great shakes.

I was especially proud however to have made it through a staff meeting where pasteries and HUGE muffins were served with just my cuppa joe and a MF smores bar. When people ask "why aren't you having a ... " I always say Mom's diabetic and I'm trying not to become one. Works quite well...

Lesson learned...I gotta get some RTD for such unplanned days. :? Payday is tomorrow and off goes the order for these.
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Postby kimay » June 9th, 2004, 6:25 pm

Indeed that was a very small "Whoopsie"!! I really love your attitude and the fact that you are not beating yourself up over it. Good for you!! Especially under such stressful conditions.
Let's keep on goin' .... Wheeeeeeee.....

Hugs to you!

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Postby Carrie » June 10th, 2004, 5:37 am

HI Jackie,
That's the right attitude. I really think it's important to not give in to the temptation to feel sorry for ourselves and then beat ourselves up over those 'events'. Just carry on.

I think the RTD's will really help you - I rely on them. When I've been really pressed for time, I've popped one open, sucked it down in mere seconds and been on my way.

Way to go!
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Postby LadyChamp » June 10th, 2004, 8:55 am

WTG! That is a great come back! :D :thumbup:
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Postby Lois » June 10th, 2004, 10:08 am

Way to go bouncin' back, Jackie!!!!!!! :bounce:

The RTDs are a lifesaver when you need 'em....and they taste good, too ;)


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Postby Landylue » June 10th, 2004, 7:10 pm

Go, JackieLee! Excellent come back! I'm very proud of you! :bow:

I haven't tried the RTDs, but have NEVER read a negative comment about them at all.

It's good to have you on the forum.

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Postby MomJackieLee » June 11th, 2004, 6:44 am

OK, I just ordered my case of RTD to take to work. I feel more prepared now!!

No more being unprepared!
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