
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby LAwoman » March 1st, 2006, 8:06 pm

Hello fellow MF-friends!

Today I realized I need to take a step back, re-evaluate how I'm working Medifast and recommitt myself so I can reach my goal.

While I have moved down the scale since I restared towards the end of Jan, I wasn't sticking 100% to MF, and that can and often does lead to further slip-ups and slower losses until finally feeling exasperated with myself and giving up.

Today, I am 30 pounds lighter than I was exactly this time last year when I first began MF. While that's great, I'd lost twice that amount and have since played with the same 20 lbs. up and down during the past half year. I'm tired of it, I just want to reach goal and be at a comfortable, healthy weight that allows me to work out and exercise the way I like, feel comfortable with my body and eat healthy in moderation.

So, I reread my MF handbook and "Success in a Shaker Jar" and am ready to work towards being 100% compliant. I know it's the only way to go for me towards reaching goal.
*Drinking 64-120 oz. water every day.
*Eating my MF meals 6 times/day, every 3 hours (give or take no more than one hour)
*Daily exercise no more than 45 min. walks & toning
*Daily allotted snacks ONLY. No "extras" even if it's "only veggies"

The funny thing is, once I'm in my "MF-Zone", I feel so great I don't even want to cheat. I feel light, healthy, energetic, beautiful, happy... It's just so hard for me to get into that Zone after cheating.

So, last year at this time I began MF and made it more than half-way to goal. I guess that was just practice so I can make it all the way to goal this year. ;)

Reading everyone's success, struggles, suggestions, and just words of encouragement does so much to keep me going. I wonder if many of you realize how much you motivate and inspire many of us by some little thing you may have said, the struggles you too face, and especially, your successes you share. If not, then let me tell you how much you mean to me and if you already know, keep it up. :lol:

I'm so happy for everyone whose having success and moving towards their goal every day.
For those of us struggling for a myriad of reasons, I know we can do it too, let's just refocus and get back to work, 'cause we know it works.

:cleader: Cheers to everyone here for a healthy, happy, and successful year as we all reach our goal.
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Postby falisamarie » March 1st, 2006, 8:29 pm

It is so good to see that you are back and recommited to making it to goal this time. You know this works so just do what you know is right and get to goal!!

Lisa :heart:
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Postby lauradr » March 1st, 2006, 9:01 pm

LAwoman, You can do :cheermed:
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Re: Recommitting

Postby StrivingSister » March 1st, 2006, 9:03 pm

LAwoman wrote:
Reading everyone's success, struggles, suggestions, and just words of encouragement does so much to keep me going. I wonder if many of you realize how much you motivate and inspire many of us by some little thing you may have said, the struggles you too face, and especially, your successes you share. If not, then let me tell you how much you mean to me and if you already know, keep it up. :lol:

This was SO well stated! Thank YOU for saying this...I feel the same way.
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Postby Lizabette » March 1st, 2006, 9:30 pm

LA Woman

We need you as much as you need us. Thank you for coming back with a renewed commitment to make it this time.

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Postby big ron » March 1st, 2006, 9:30 pm

GREAT POST!! Thats what is so great about this forum we help each other. I dont really think I would be on this program so long if I didnt have the outside support and focus. Thanks Ron
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Postby stelar » March 1st, 2006, 9:40 pm

:hug: LAwoman! I am with you! :yes: Definately, an awesome post :thumbup: I will recommit myself as well. I want to be near or at my goal for my birthday (June). Time for me to add that exercise thing :jumprope:

Shakin' with you!
Stela :rose:
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Postby Dayna » March 1st, 2006, 11:51 pm

Yay LAwoman! Great words. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. :D

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Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 2nd, 2006, 7:09 am


I am so happy for ya that you have found your "niche" back in the mf track again. I am still fairly new here but I can see where it would be difficult to yoyo back and forth and really hard on you as far as the whole guilt/passive cycle that seems to happen.

I know when I first quit smoking(back in Oct 2004) I was totally committed but "cheated" or smoked, once a month...stayed "clean" for a month..then smoked one. Yes, it was healthier for me than smoking the 2-3 packs a day I had been smoking previously :shock: but the obsession with quitting/smoking was a constant I couldnt be happy in my quit because I wasn't "really" quit. When I finally smoked my last cig in Sept 05 I chose, at that time, that, that was the last cig ever, no if's ands or buts.

I am sharing all of that because I think attacking mf with the same attitude, no cheats and no debating that choice is such a gift to yourself and sure way to forge ahead and succeed at reaching the goals you have set for youself. For me, There are really hard days but having made the decision that I will not debate or rationalize "cheating" has made it simpler when I am having a rocky patch.

Your gonna do great and we're here cheering you on!!

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Re: Recommitting

Postby Serendipity » March 2nd, 2006, 11:05 am

LAwoman wrote:The funny thing is, once I'm in my "MF-Zone", I feel so great I don't even want to cheat.

You will be there very soon with your new attitude. Glad to see you back and recommitted. That zone is a great place to be.
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Postby scrabbler7 » March 2nd, 2006, 9:38 pm

Hey there LAWoman -- You started about a month and a half after I did in 2005. I too had a lapse -- I wasn't as successful as you though, I managed to gain all the weight back. But -- what's done is done, right?

Great post -- you've got your head together ...

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