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Postby THINKnTHIN » November 4th, 2006, 7:57 am

I'm having a hard time with my diet right now. I fell off the wagon last week on a trip (4 days with right number of calories but some was with alcohol) and when I did my two week weigh in, I had lost three lbs. But I did get right back on program and have been good for seven days. I have gotten on the scale each day (see! I told you once I started with the scale thing I couldn't stop) and afetr being steady at no loss, today I gained 2 lbs! My logical mind is saying this will all change and I may lose 5 lbs next week, but my evil side is saying I am hungry and I just should eat, it's not making a difference right now anyway. I can do great mentally on this diet when I am seeing results, but when I am not, I start losing faith. I haven't started to exercise but now am afraid that will make me even hungrier. Any wisdom would be helpful. Sorry to sound so whiny.
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Postby Nova » November 4th, 2006, 9:58 am

I completely understand your frustration. I just checked my log, and this is my 12th day at the same weight, and I've been very good except for a taste of wine yesterday and an extra l&g. When I go back through my log, I've had at least 3 periods where I've stayed the same weight (+/- 1 pound) for 10 days.

When it gets hard and the scale goes up by a pound or even 2, here's what I tell myself. You absolutely CANNOT gain weight by eating only 800-900 calories per day and living a normal life. There are lots of internal changes going on inside your body as it loses weight, and sometimes, your body gets scared/nervous/PMS/obstinate, and it holds onto water. Inside, you're only losing .2-.5 pounds of fat/day, but you can gain or lose 2-4 pounds of water easy.

If I were in your place, I would not exercise right now. For some people, exercise seems to require an extra meal to balance out the demands and keep you from going in starvation. I'd work to get the basics going good: eat your MF meals, have a good L&G, eat on schedule and get solidly back into ketosis. You can still be active; you don't have to sit around watching tv all day, but I wouldn't do anything strenuous.

When you get hungry, drink an extra glass of water and distract yourself from food somehow. I play video games or clean the house or organize my drawers. Or I go window shopping. It's a great way to go walking and it passes the time.

Hang in there! I haven't seen a single person who stuck to the program and who didn't lose weight. It works. Have faith. :hug:

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Postby Allie » November 4th, 2006, 5:04 pm

Hang in there. You can do it!!!! You have already seen it work.

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Postby DogMa » November 4th, 2006, 11:41 pm

I'm the poster child for stalls and slow losses. If I can do it and make it to goal, SO CAN YOU! If you weigh every day, you know that your weight can fluctuate tremendously based on any number of factors (heck, it was a full moon last night; maybe THAT was it). You didn't gain 2 pounds of fat overnight, and you know it. Those 2 pounds will be gone in a day or two, and hopefully they'll even take a few friends with them.

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Postby Joelie » November 5th, 2006, 10:27 am

Great advise has been posted up there for you. :)
I don't really have much to add other than changing your way of thinking.
Don't think of this as a "diet", for that it is not. It is a way of life, a healthy way of life. Diets don't work. I think most of us can attest to that.
As you move along on the program, it will become second nature to you, no doubt.

A little bit will power and a lot of determination will take you far, my friend. Image

Hang in there. Image
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Postby THINKnTHIN » November 7th, 2006, 4:59 am

THANKS SO MUCH for the encouragement! I WAS feeling bratty and sorry for myself. I have put the scale back in its cave 'til Sunday and am trying to just relax about the whole thing. I think I had mini goals in my head that were messing with my mind. I had hoped to have 20lbs of by Nov 1st, but got stuck at 17 lbs off and rather than look at it as a 17lb victory, I was seeing it as a failure. How silly is that? I did go shopping over the weekend and bought a couple of cute things I would not have worn a few months ago so that helped lift my spirits....uh oh! replacing one addiction with another (shopping)! Strange thing happened, yesterday, skinny hubby went to the dr's for regular appointment and his blood pressure is up enough :( he has to start on meds and the Dr wants him to lose 12lbs. Now he wants me to work out with him and can't understand why I can hit the exercise thing really hard right now. So all of the sudden he thinks my diet isn't healthy and I should just exercise since diets don't work. The doctor must have given him a good lecture I guess. I told him to back off because I was doing it MY WAY!
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Postby bdg » November 7th, 2006, 7:27 am

It isn't silly because it happened to you, but you now have the right answer for yourself. You lost 17 lbs by Nov 1 and that is a wonderful wonderful thing. You will get your 20 and more when it is time. Its funny, but I set goals and I set a date range for getting there instead of a hard date. I don't set my next one til I hit the first one. So instead of Nov 1, I would have said Nov 1 - Nov 10 or so to give you a realistic opportunity for natural slowdowns that your body will have. Good luck to you, keep up the great work and you'll get to your goal in no time!
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