Ready to begin the journey.....

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Ready to begin the journey.....

Postby suze » January 25th, 2005, 12:02 am

Hello everyone,
I am new to the MF community. I can't wait to get started on the downward slope! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you and gain a great support system. I have been overweight most of my 35 years and I am ready for a thinner 35 years ahead :o I have a wonderful hubby (6'5 to my 5'4" frame) who is very supportive too.

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Postby Nancy » January 25th, 2005, 12:45 am

Hello and a hearty Medifast Happy greeting to you!

When do you start, Suze?

Be sure to read everything in the Forum - the FAQ's is a super place to begin.

Of course Nancy's Newsletters are FABULOUS!

Happy meals are Medifast meals eaten on time, every three hours with lotsa lotsa water in between!

Shake on and shake it off, Suze!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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ready to start

Postby Guest » January 25th, 2005, 2:25 am


Thanks for the welcome. I will be starting next monday. I just ordered my supply for the month today. I can't wait to start and looking at before/after pics are so motivating. I am more than ready to let the "real" me shine through.
You are all inspiration.


Current Wt 280 lbs
goal wt: 150 lbs
One week at a time......
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Postby Nancy » January 25th, 2005, 2:37 am


Be sure to measure, take your picture and clear out the cupboards of any of those forbidden foods!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby raederle » January 25th, 2005, 7:09 am

Hi, Suze, and welcome! I think you've found the perfect way to lose weight, and the perfect place for support and inspiration along the way. There's lots of great info here and lots of friendly people who've done it all and been there before, so I think you'll find a cozy spot here saved just for you.

Congrats on starting on the MF path and on taking control of your situation-- you'll be losin' like a fiend in no time!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby mindovermatter » January 25th, 2005, 7:44 am

Hi Suze and welcome. I think you'll like it here, it's a wonderful support group. The members have a way of making you feel right at home. Lots of insightful and thought provoking comments. Luckly most of the members are more eloquent than myself, so most of the time I spend reading and absorbing vs writing.


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Postby Nancy » January 25th, 2005, 8:07 am

Hey, whaddya mean OTHERS are more eloquent?! Huh, what's with zat? We don't have any more 'quents than YOU, dear dear Beth! And you even know how to spell that elo' word!

Hah! Everyone has something juicy to share, especially and including you, you thinnin' thang, You!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby mindovermatter » January 25th, 2005, 8:18 am

Nancy -

Boy have I got you fooled. If I spell something right, it's purely by chance. But I know it's the thoughts that count.

Suze - Heres are real inspiration, Miss Leopard Thing is such positive mentor you just can't help but succeed.


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Postby scrabbler7 » January 25th, 2005, 11:28 am

Suze --

Welcome - you have come to the right place!!! I started "my journey" as you phrase it 10 days ago. I spent the first 2 days pouring over this site -- reading everything in this forum. And I was PUMPED after doing that. I highly recommend you do the same. When you get done, you will feel like you've known these folks for a long time. Everything you need to get you through this is right here in this forum.

You want mentoring -- Just send out a Help Me to the Leopard Woman. She's the resident mom here and is so inspiring; so accepting; so encouraging. Her quirky sense of humor helps to make this process a bit easier.

You need a kick in the butt? -- watch out for Mike's (aka explorthis) whip. I haven't had to use it yet ... but I'm a bit scared ...

You want inspiration -- Dear Lord -- does have that! Go back and read Spidy's submission about a day in the life of Gerald. Makes us all realize why we are here - and what we are doing it for.

Need a friend? -- Well hold onto your keyboard -- just write a note and see how many responses you get --- RavenKat, mindovermatter, raederle, Sylvia, hawaiiwhatnot, DutchChoc, Carrie ... and on an on and on.

And yes -- I've only been around for 10 days ... so what does that tell you?

Welcome aboard .... I'll see you at the other side -- all skinny and looking fine (we can trade clothes!)

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Postby explorthis » January 25th, 2005, 12:47 pm

You need a kick in the butt? -- watch out for Mike's (aka explorthis) whip

lolololol.... Am I really that bad? I think I got a bad rap somehow....

I am really a nice guy.

Don't make me come looking for you!

The above was posted by Guido!

Too funny.....

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby sister » January 25th, 2005, 3:56 pm

Hi Suze,

You have definitely found the right place and right plan to get healthy and be inspired! Everyone here is on the same road, helping each other along. I read the forum for almost 2 weeks before I ordered - Nancy and the people who post here sealed the deal for me.

I am 18 days into this and have lost 15 pounds. The first 5 days were an adjustment but nothing we can't handle. Our weight and weight loss goal (and age) are very similar, if I can do this you can too!

Just stay on schedule and drink your water. And of course, check in here. It is awsome what goes on here.

You've made a GREAT decision! :D

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Postby Nancy » January 25th, 2005, 10:50 pm

Oh, wow!

Did you see what Sister just said? 15 pounds in 18 days - awesome!

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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