I can see a difference just from AUGUST in your pics!!!
I think, though, you've just given voice to a very real phenomenon. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and realized, despite my progress, that I'm still quite larger than a baby cow.
There's a cycle that Ellen Moir has documented regarding new teachers, but I'm beginning to think that it has a wider application. Here's how it goes:
Anticipation --> Survival --> Disillusionment (aka The Big Dip) --> Rejuvenation --> Reflection --> Anticipation (of the next stage)
If nothing else, I hope it's somewhat comforting to know that frustration and disillusionment are normal and part of the at least Moir's process. Please know that rejuvenation may be just around the corner.
There's also great stuff Robert Fritz says about motivation (are we actively moving toward something or are we only trying to escape something? If the latter, once we get some space between us and the irritant, we become complacent and eventually return to that situation).
Be encouraged, dear friend. Folks AREN'T just being nice... you truly look amazing. In fact, your progress is often what I turn to for inspiration in my own journey. I love looking at your pictures and reading your posts.
And look at you remaining compliant in the midst of it!!! In a similar situation, I had a handful of Tootsie Rolls followed by a migraine. I'll remember to keep an extra bar handy in the future for emergency purposes.
I wish we lived just a bit closer. In the meantime, know that you're often in my thoughts.