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Queston for everyone

Postby pandasmom » April 19th, 2006, 5:55 pm

Hello there all,

I am planning ahead for a vacation I am going on so have been thinking and wanted to ask everyone this question...

I have now only been on this 2 weeks as if Tuesday... i feel good i can not weigh myself hubby took scale on day one..

But here is my question.. We are going to Las Vegas in June and will be meeting up with some friends from out of state we dont get to see much. This is a much long planned vacation for when both our kids turned 21..

I will have been on the diet 2 months to the tee for the day we leave to go there.
I Know we will be going out to one really nice dinner at Benehijanas sorry dont no how to spell that
i can have steak and not eat the rice and they give you veges.. sure i think they are fired in some oil but i dont think it will be that bad..

but what i am wondering about already since i am seeing some loss here. I dont want to eat out all the time so do i take my shakes and have them all day and stuff and have like salads for dinner and meat....

or do i go and just not worry to much about it and just cut back portions and not eat the bad stuff..???
i Dont want the friends to no i am on this.. I want to keep going tell i get where i want to get pound wise. I have a lot to lose like 75 lbs or so..

SO i just wanted to see how everyone one else thinks about this. What to do..

The other party plans on having breakfast and dinner together for sure..
So how will they not no or what can i do to eat??

Thank for your help..
funny how when you start to see some progress you dont want to go off it. I no also its like a month and a half away but I have to get myself ready...
Thanks again
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Postby falisamarie » April 19th, 2006, 6:14 pm


My personal opinion is to stay on program. We are learning to eat the right way now and will have to continue to eat this way to maintain it for a lifetime. I would just take my Medifast and do the best I could for the L&G. I would also ask them at Benihaha's to cook mine without the oil and they are usually quite accomodating. You may not be able to be 100% compliant while gone but I would use it as an opportunity to practice better eating. If your friends say anything I would just tell them that I am eating healthier now.

For me this program is now and forever will be my lifestyle so I have to change things to fit the program not change the program to fit my life.

Just my 2 cents worth

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 19th, 2006, 6:46 pm

Hi Terri. I think as you get into the full swing of Medifast over the next two months, you will better know what you can and can not handle. Eveyone is different. Some will never eat off program the entire time they are on the weightloss phase. Others can eat off program once in a while and get back to the program with relative ease. We are all different. The only thing I would truly advise is to be completely honest with yourself about what you can and can not handle. Don't make excuses to cheat. Make a decision about the program for that period of time. In other words, make a plan, before you go, and stick to it. If you plan to just cut back that week, stick to that and don't make excuses for eating lots of goodies. If you decide to stick with the program, stick with it all the way. Just my .02 too ;)

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Vegas Vacation

Postby Jan » April 19th, 2006, 7:08 pm

Hi Terri,
I'd take my MF along with me and use it as much as you can. The idea of just saying "you're trying to eat healthier" is a great one. Who is going to say -- "No you should eat unhealthy"? :mrgreen: You'll be drinking lots and lots of water in Las Vegas -- it's hot. We had big water bottles with us. Any meal that you have on your own -- with just your family -- I'd make a MF meal. You could also mix the cranberry mango or one of the iced teas right in a water bottle and everyone would think you were just having a flavored water. That way you could get in your "off meal time meals". Plus, I generally plan ahead and lots of times I've gone out to breakfast with others and only had hot tea. I just visit right along and just say "I'm not tooo hungry" I'm not -- I had my hot cocoa for breakfast. The only thing I'd looook out for are the buffets!!! They are goooood but have lots and lots of tempting goodies. Most hotels do have a salad and a sea food section in their buffet though. It's going to take discipline but I know you can do it.
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Postby supermom » April 19th, 2006, 8:06 pm

I would say stay on program. Once you get off, it is so hard to get back on. Don't be ashamed of MF. Be proud of it. Just tell your friends what you are doing and I am sure everything will be just fine.
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Postby DogMa » April 19th, 2006, 8:43 pm

I'd stay on program, too. And they're going to notice you lost weight, so why not stay on the plan and tell 'em what you're doing if they ask? I had an extra L&G when I was on out-of-town job interviews because I didn't want to tell a prospective employer that I was on Medifast, but these people are your friends.

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Postby mamabear » April 19th, 2006, 9:34 pm

I would try to stick to it as much as you can. I know for me it is dangerous to take a break from dieting because it is so hard to get back on.
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Postby mellowmom » April 19th, 2006, 10:07 pm

Just a short word of caution re. Benihana's. :coach:

I had been "totally compliant" on the MF Plan for about 2 weeks when I went to a restaurant similar to Beni's. I tried to stick to a lean and rice, just steak and prawns and veggies with a small salad. I could see that the chef used a lot of oil and butter in preparing the food, but thought seeing as he was cooking for 8 people at our table it wouldn't be that much per serving. I don't know whether it was the butter or the oil for sure, but when I got home after dinner I got a really upset stomach and spent the better part of the night in the john. <img src='' border=0>

It took a couple of days to start feeling better. It may just be me and my internal workings, but I wish I had thought of asking the chef to maybe grill my food on the side away from the fats and oils. :flip:

I'm not even sure if they would accomodate such a request...but if I had it to do over again, I would have at least asked. :secret:

Again, it was just my personal experience with Teppan cooking. You may have no problem at all.

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Postby Trixie » April 20th, 2006, 7:38 am

You've received lots of good options here so you can see that it will really be your choice whether to stick to the full plan or modify on vacation.

When I'm faced with those group breakfasts I always have my oatmeal or RTD in my room, then drink ice tea when everyone else is hitting the buffet. Whenever anyone asks why I'm not eating I just say "I'm not a breakfast person." That works for me every time.

You should really consider taking some Ready to Drink shakes and bars with you. Those are a godsend when you are out and about and don't have time to stop and mix up a meal or shake.

Whatever your decision have a great time in Vegas!!
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Postby wildtrk » April 20th, 2006, 10:38 am

Terri...when are you going to be out there in June. I am going to be out there the weekend of June 10 for just a long weekend. I am alos in the same dilemma. Though this is strictly a guys weekend away and my plans are probably radically different than yours. Unless of course your plans are to sit at a poker table 10-12 hours a day. :lol:

Most likely we will be eating at buffets and sandwich type shops. And I have experienced the buffets before and they are overwhelming.

Right now I am going to take a wait and see attitude and am treating MF much like an alcoholic day at a time. June is still out there a ways and I will be happy if come June 8th and I am getting on an airplane that night with a shake and a bar for the 4 hour flight.
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Postby Taszi17 » April 20th, 2006, 12:39 pm

Okay here are my 2 cents heheh. I think that you guys are feeling like all of us whether we are with friends or not......that you have to tell these people once again that you are on a diet and that feeling sucks and knowing they are thinking yeh right she/he isn't going to stick with it. June guys you are going to be looking OMG fabulous so fabulous they are going to know you are doing something and you are going to be feeling soooo fabulous with how you are looking that you aren't going to care what they think. I know that the better I look the less I care about what other people are thinking of me ya know (or I should say what I think they are thinking hehe). You guys go on with your bad selves and have a great time sticking with Medifast because you know that you aren't going to mess it up after who wonderful you have done :)

Good luck guys I am pulling for you
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Postby dede4wd » April 20th, 2006, 8:43 pm

If you want can do this! I travel 260-280 days per year and I stay compliant!

My one big recommendation is GET THE READY TO DRINKS! They're perfect while traveling!

I eat at restaurants almost every night and I can stay compliant. I've had restaurants make my oatmeal for me in the morning and I'm very specific what I want for my L & G and most of them will bend over backwards once I tell them what a good tipper I am!

It is very easy to stay compliant while traveling. You will have several months under your belt and you will be so happy with your progress, you won't want to deviate from youu plan at all (I HOPE!)

PM Me any time with traveling questions or for tips!

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Postby Sablebaby » April 20th, 2006, 9:31 pm

Sorry to say that it was our trip to Vegas that made me go off plan back in Aug. I had been on program for a solid 5 weeks when we went. I had all my shakes with me and was planning to stay on plan. The problem... I had NO energy whatsoever to walk any distance while there. I needed some food in me. Once I started eating, I had much more energy and was able to walk the strip. However, I never got back on plan. :(

I had a lot of energy in the beginning, but it dwindled as the weeks went by. I think the 5 & 1 is better for me, as I was mostly doing the 6 shakes.

Good luck to you. Just make a plan and if you have to go off then make a true commitment to get back on as it does feel better being on plan then feeling fat!
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Postby Tiolazz » April 21st, 2006, 7:05 am

Good Morning Terri,

Just wanted to put in my two cents as well.

On June 21st, I will be leaving for Italy with my husband for 3 glorious weeks. My husband is actually from Italy, so we will be seeing all his friends and family.

And if you know anything about Italians, you know they are all about food and drink.... HOURS of food and drink, LOL

I have decided to stick to this plan completely up until I leave for Italy. I will take a suitcase full of my shakes, bars, soups etc. But so I don't have to offend my mother in law, and my husband's family, I am going to train my brain to think I had gastric bypass surgery.

I plan on drinking a huge glass of water before every meal to fill up my belly to start with. Then I will have a bite of the meal, a bite of pasta, a bite of the meat, etc.... Eat my regular mf meals and my lean and green, and I shouldn't be doing too much damage.

I know that 100% total compliance would be the most acceptable way to continue in my journey, but it is just too hard to insult family members that I will only see once every 2 years or so, and besides that, it would really be a huge waste to not at least enjoy the taste of Italy. And they really do take it as an insult if you don't eat what they have prepared. I know everyone is thinking that is just an excuse, but if you have ever been to Italy, or had Italian relatives, you will know that I am not. My mother in law, will be so happy to see me thinner, happier, and Heathier, but she will also want to feed me... uggggggg.

I am however vowing to stay away from the wine, :pour: I know once I have my first drink my brain goes to mush and the diet will be out the window. hehe, (my, my, the wine in Italy is amazing)

Just my idea, hope this helps...


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Postby ChattieCathy57 » April 21st, 2006, 7:50 am


My opinion is to STAY ON PROGRAM! Don't let all your hard work go by the wayside! Remember, it is SO EASY to put it back on (and so FAST too)

As everyone else is saying, for most of us this is not just a "diet" to help get back into shape; It is a program for a life CHANGE.

I am also doing this with few people knowing I am "on a program". I am into my second month now and have lost 16 pounds so far. When we are away from home, I have my oatmeal for breakfast or I make a cup of MF cappuccino (the oatmeal raisin bars are yummy for breakfast too!), then when out with friends at THEIR breakfast, I have coffee or tea and tell them (as someone else did) that I am "not a big breakfast eater and not hungry". No one will even notice if you politely say "no thank you" to things or just tell people you are not hungry! I have never had anyone force feed me (that SHOULD have been my problem! - haha).

L&G for dinner ... just try to watch those oils and butter and no carbs! Have a large salad & try to bring your own packs of MF dressing and use them! You could always put them in a small tupperware type container (or pill jar) before going to the restaurant and no one will know they are MF (if you want to keep this to yourself) Tell people (as Lisa said) that you are trying to be more health conscious with your eating and this is a non fat salad dressing you like!

Most people on vacation are more concerned with what THEY are going to order and eat that with good conversation and a happy, new "thinner, healthier" attitude -- no one will notice what YOU do or do not eat (unless YOU make it the topic of conversation).

Those 'ready to drink' shakes are a blessing too!

Enjoy vacationing with your friends in Vegas!!! I'm sure you'll have a great time!

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