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Postby DogMa » December 5th, 2006, 4:08 pm

Welcome! As for coffee cream, you're allowed a bit of milk or something in your coffee (check the Quick Start guide to be sure; I don't drink coffee so it was never an issue). I think there are also some creamers that are OK. I'll leave it to the coffee drinkers to give specifics.

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Postby PJinCali » December 5th, 2006, 11:31 pm

Welcome Lucy! :wave:


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Postby bikipatra » December 5th, 2006, 11:51 pm

I think Nancy says she uses a "snort" of fat free half & half, but not too much because it still has corn syrup. Other peeps say they use sugar free non-dairy creamer.
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Postby DogMa » December 6th, 2006, 3:33 am

OK, I just went ahead and looked it up. "You may use 1-2 tablespoons of skim milk or half-and-half in your coffee or tea."

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Postby WhoDey » December 13th, 2006, 1:27 pm

Hi Lucy...I don't post often (but am changing that) so welcome.

I think you will find Medifast is the BEST possible diet out there. I have tried diet after diet after diet from Atkins to Weight Watches to everything in between and have failed at every one of them. Oh, I would do well for a while but then it wasn't to long before I was having my cheats and stalling....

Medifast has made me feel FREE! Of course I still have cravings (does anyone else get annoyed at all the food commercials on TV? I think every other commercial has some sort of fast food or something else that looks sooooooo good) but when I see just how far I have already come in such a short time those things don't seem to bother me as much anymore. I love love LOVE my shakes (Chocolate and Swiss Mocha are my favorites) and I was so surprised at how much they have filled me up while drinking them!

Way to go on making the decision and before you know it the weight will be GONE and we can go and enjoy our lives without being self conscience about what to wear or how other people are seeing us.

Good luck and way to go on making this positive decision!
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Postby dede4wd » December 13th, 2006, 1:50 pm

Yay Amy!

I'm glad to find another swiss mocha fan on the forums! I LOVE those!

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Re: Hi

Postby WhoDey » December 14th, 2006, 6:41 am

dede4wd wrote:Yay Amy!

I'm glad to find another swiss mocha fan on the forums! I LOVE those!


Mmmmmm, I love a Swiss Mocha in the morning and in the to the Chocolate that is my favorite.
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