catheter works, too, Mike.
(JK, Folks!)
When we start our day on a low fuel tank and then

head out for the day without priming the pump, our metabolism is not in its best form.
To have the advantage of a steady energy source,

eat a packet of Medifast within the first hour of crawling out of bed and then space them evenly throughout your day, ever more than four hours apart.
Many days I would not eat until 11am myself were it not for Terry who fixes my Oatmeal for me and serves it while I am fixing my face.
My old habit: eat nothing before 11 AM and then let the eating begin! By the time I hit the hay after midnight, I was so full from the continual carb and fat ingestion, I had to slug Pepto Bismol or have a Pepcid AC.
New habit: Medifast oatmeal or shake even if I am not hungry.

I treat it like my medicine - a few years ago I wouldn't think of leaving the bathroom in the morning if I hadn't taken my birth control pill!
If we consider our morning shake or oatmeal as our hunger control and flab prevention, we might prevent afternoon or evening cravings.
My 2 cents worth.