
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby Shellster » November 16th, 2005, 10:47 am

Ok, I have a question, I'm new to this program, this is my 2nd week and I hope this doesn't make anyone mad but I have to ask. I have been on every diet you can imagine (like alot of us). My husband actually teases me when a new one comes out that I haven't tried that one yet. That's how bad I am about doing different diets. His Dr. put him on this diet, he is Diabetic, has kidney problems and all kinds of other health problems, right now he just takes meds for his diabetes but the dr. told him if he doesn't lost some weight he will be going on insulin, he doesn't want that but he doesn't want to do anything about his weight either, anyhoo his dr, put him on this diet and me knowing alot about dieting was a little sceptical at first because everything I've read they say not to starve yourself (and we aren't so far) but the 800-1000 calories had be a bit worried when he came home and told me about this diet the dr. was putting him on, my husband weighs almost 300 lbs. so you can see where I was worried about him going on it. I decided to go on medifast with him because he won't do it without me and I need to lose too (and I haven't tried this one yet lol) My question is how is this different from the Opitfast(sp) that Oprah did and gained her weight as soon after she stopped it (ducking, waiting for Nancy to slap me upside the head) just kidding, I know that with medifast that they ween you off their food but will you ever be able to eat normal (healthy) without using medifast products? that's my question and i'm sorry if anyone is upset but I had to ask. I like what I see but i'm afraid I will lose all my weight and then when I go to eat healthy food and non mf food that I will gain it back. If anyone can tell me I would appreciate it. THanks for listening.

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Postby ljm498 » November 16th, 2005, 3:11 pm

Hi Michelle! These are all very good questions. I had the same ones when I first started. Now, I don't have nearly the same knowledge as Nancy and I'm sure she will pop in and answer but this is my take on it. Medifast is a weight loss tool that we use to get us to where we want to be. Thinner, healthier etc. The programs you are questioning (Optifast, Medifast, etc) have changed considerably since when Oprah did it. Back then there wasn't much of a transition phase to get you to eating normally or help on how to eat afterwards. The formulas for the supplements were also different. I know with Medifast there is a transition phase that helps to get your metabolism back up to speed so you can eat normally when it is time. For myself, I do see me utilizing MF once I'm maintaining as a healthy snack or replacement for breakfast in conjunction with other healthy foods. But, that's up to each individual. But once you are maintaining, as long as you eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise and have a game plan as far as emotional eating goes etc, you should be able to keep the weight off.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

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Postby Shellster » November 17th, 2005, 8:41 am

Thank You LJM,

I appreciate the answer to my question, I wasn't sure, I have heard so many things that are bad and against liquid diets and didn't want to find out the hard way. Thanks again, I appreciate it.

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Postby Nancy » November 17th, 2005, 9:12 pm

Hi, Shellster ~

Ljm gave you some great answers. Actually there is a big difference between Optifast and Medifast. The original Optifast DIEt was all liquids (shakes only). Optifast is whey-based. It was very low in calories and people needed to be monitored daily at a hospital.

I am going to reply based upon my knowledge and experience with Medifast, as that is the purpose of our website and my bag in particular is our excellent Medifast Forum…as a Health Advisor for Take Shape For Life, I do a lot of training regarding the fact that Medifast is merely a product – and Take Shape for Life is the PROGRAM that we use to help people safely and rapidly lose weight and then to maintain their optimal weight for life.

People use products all the time. They do not always use them properly, however! My purpose is to educate people regarding our programs and to teach people how to use the Medifast products to maximize their weight loss and weight maintenance success.

For the most part, our products contain soy-protein; some are soy-free.

Our 5 and 1 Program is used by most people for weight loss. The calories range between 800-900 per day. We have special programs for people with diabetes and for people who are age 70 or over - these programs include slightly higher calories than for people on the 5 and 1 Program.

Yes, a 300 pound diabetic men can safely lose weight and get his blood sugars under control just as a 135 pound non-diabetic woman can lose weight and feel great.

It is amazing how our 5 and 1 Program works and helps people to lose weight without feeling hungry.

Ours is a nutritional approach to weight loss – no pills, no shots, no elixirs and no surgery. It is a natural approach to weight loss using good-for-us pharmaceutical-grade food.

To maintain weight like I have (for over two and three fourths years now!), I use several Medifast products per day. I don’t HAVE to, I want to – it is fast, it is healthy, it is low in cost.

I am a busy person. I have no time or inclination to spend the time and $ necessary to drive to the large grocery store, shop, drive home, haul in bags of groceries and then wash the fruits and veggies, peel them, chop and weigh and measure the right amount when it is meal time – to measure out and cook ¾ cup of Old Fashioned rolled oats, stir in 2 T grated apples and ½ cup of blechy skim milk when I can make a serving of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal by ripping off the top of a packet and nuking it for 1 minute 40 seconds PLUS get some good-for-my-ticker soy protein!

When I have the time to prepare something healthy, I do.

When I am busy and don’t want to take the time to prepare and eat something healthy and gourmet, I have Medifast. To me it is healthy fast food and I don't have to get in my car to get it.

Today I met with some friends for lunch at Applebee’s and I had a grilled shrimp and fresh spinach salad and a couple of pots of tea. It was great, it cost $11 plus a $2.50 tip. Had I been at home, I would have had some Creamy Broccoli Soup with a wad of raw broccoli and a pot of tea all for $2.15. My commute to town took 40 minutes to the restaurant, I was there for 1.5 hours, I stopped at the bank on the way home and walked through a women's clothing store and headed for home. The commute was 1 hour and 10 minutes. So the $13.50 lunch took a lot of my time, too - MediFAST is less costly and saves a lot of time!

To maintain your weight loss: transition properly.

Follow our BeSlim™ Philosophy and you can’t go wrong.

This is a lifestyle change that we must follow for life if we want to remain healthy and insulin-free.

BE SLIM…for life!

Breakfast – It’s critical for your body to start the day properly! You need high quality fuel – protein and carbohydrates – to give you the nutrition you need for energy and mental clarity to cope with today’s demands. Breakfast is our most critical meal and yet one third of Americans fail to begin their day with it. However, with successful adaptation of the Optimal Health philosophy and our convenient meal replacement products, you will always eat breakfast! Oatmeal or a shake: YUM!

Exercise – Exercise is a key component to our lifestyle because it enhances so many aspects of our lives. It increases our metabolism so we will burn fuel, it provides us with greater flexibility and strength, it improves our bone structure and posture, it increases our mental clarity, improves our immune system, to name just a few of the benefits. Although not necessary in the beginning phase of a weight–loss program, adding a daily activity of aerobic exercise or weight resistance training is essential for Optimal Health.

Support - A key component to stay on track in adopting an Optimal Health lifestyle is having the support of a Health Advisor to provide the necessary coaching, tools and education. If you have a caring coach and mentor, that person can support you with your healthy goals, stay in touch as you advance through your journey to a healthier life, tweak your program if needed, discuss “issues” you may be having, and provide knowledge. In addition, with Take Shape for Life, you have access to the Virtual Clinic on the web and you can participate on all the interactive Nurse, Doctor and Maintenance Calls.

Low fat meals 5-6 times a day. Eating frequently, controlling portion sizes and total calories, and restricting fat intake are key cornerstones for Optimal Health.

Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible IMHO with our hectic lives to achieve these objectives without tremendous effort and expense. Take Shape for Life provides the logical solution with low fat meal replacements and the convenience cannot be matched! We have our delivered automatically each month - high quality fast food to help maintain our health goals.

Individual Plan- We all need a PLAN for eating properly. Proper menu planning – which in maintenance includes 2 to 3 meal replacements a day – most people have Oatmeal, a bar and a shake or two every day. Use the skills and strategies you're learning now during weight loss to help you thru the day with its foody temptations. We are constantly bombarded with nutritional pollution. We live in a hostile environment - it's like foody bombs are being tossed our way. Use the BeSlim keys to help you to create an Optimal Healthy lifestyle.

Monitor - Once you’ve achieved your healthy weight goal, you’ll want to stay there. Frequent monitoring is the key. Simply weighing yourself on a regular basis, or trying on an old pair of jeans once a week to check how they fit, can literally catch a problem before it gets a hold of you.

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