Question on Long Term Weight loss.

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Question on Long Term Weight loss.

Postby Bseaton » January 28th, 2004, 10:15 am

I have been on Medifast since Jan 1 and i love it. I have lost 20 plus lbs lost 3 inches in my waist and gone from a xl in shirts to a large. However I was running tight on shakes and it wasnt my payday yet to i placed a order for 1 case of shakes just to get me through until the next day. I payed with a money order and the order was placed on hold until the money order arrived. I should have received the shakes on Friday the 23rd however no shakes. When i called they said the order was still on hold and they had not received my money order which was sent over a week ago. I immediately placed a order for 70 more shakes which i payed for by credit card but i knew they would not arrive until monday. I talked to the nurse and she told me i was going to have to go back to regular food this weekend but just try to make wise choices. My concern is i ate only 3 meals a day, no sweets i did not pig out nothing inbetween but since friday my scales showed a 8 lb increase from 212 to 219. Thats huge for 1 weekend. I received my shakes this morning and truthly i would rather have them than the food i feel better and better about myself. My question is that i plan on getting down to 170 and then i plan on taking over and start running again which is what i always used to do. I used to run road races over and enjoyed it but since i had gained my weight roughly 80 lbs there was no way. At the rate it came on this weekend it would only take a few weeks to be back where i was. could you please tell me what was going on or do you have to take medifast the rest of your life to stay where you want to. There was no change in the way my clothes fit it was only on the scales that i noticed a difference. Please let me know what you think.
Barry Seaton

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Postby finalstraw » January 28th, 2004, 10:36 am

What kind of food did you eat?

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 28th, 2004, 11:03 am

Hi Barry,
Each of us will find whatever works for us to maintain a healthy weight and the method will be as unique as the number of members on this forum.

One thing we do know, is that if you go back to your old ways, you'll be right back here again. Medifast does offer the "Take Shape" maintenance products and program. For some, a combination of Medifast products and regular food may be the answer. Other's may find that after experimenting with different food groups, they can find a combination that works for them. No single path will work for everyone.

As this forum is new, and many of our members haven't reached those crossroads yet, we haven't got too far on this topic in the "Maintenance" section. Nancy has begun covering that in the December Newsletter:
We'll get into it further in the "Maintenance" section here on the forum, as the need arises.

Your weight gain over the weekend could be for a variety of reasons. To speculate on what happened would be just that, and not be of any use to you.

The program was not designed to switch directly to regular food. There's a proper transition period to follow, a maintenance phase, then the switch to a healthy, "balanced" diet. Note the parenthesis around balanced. This is VERY important, as is continuing to get an adequate amount of water. This will be a life long endeavor. Just like improving and succeeding in any other part of life, it takes time, practice, experimenting, and experience. Our modern society has fell short of this the last 50 years and it's about time we begin doing something about it. I cant' think of a more important area of your life to concentrate on though. Nothing much else matters, if we don't have our health.

I suggest you don't worry too much about it at this point and concentrate on getting to a healthy weight again. Once you get your body working like it should again, you may find that with just reasonable, healthy eating habits and moderate exercise, you'll do just find. The body is an amazing thing when it's healthy and working like it was designed.

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Regular food weekend

Postby Jane » January 28th, 2004, 3:40 pm

I read in the booklet that if you run out of shakes you should drink 8 ounces skim or low fat milk in place of the shakes and not go to regular food. You'd have to find out how many days you could do this safely since they suggest doing it for only one day. Perhaps Nancy or Terry can find out?
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