Question re liquid fast

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Question re liquid fast

Postby Thinwithin » February 13th, 2006, 10:51 am

I'm NOT having the one lean and green meal, but am strictly drinking shakes, 6 daily spaced out every 3 or so hours. No solid food. Is this going to hinder my loss? Is there anything I should be doing differently or am I going to have problems with the liquid diet only? I am not exercising and don't plan to for the next couple weeks, then I'll start a walking program that's not too vigorous. I'm looking to lose about 40 lbs. Thanks for your help!
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Complete Program

Postby Jan » February 13th, 2006, 11:02 am

Hi There,
The only difference between the complete program and the 5/1 is that with the complete program you need to be monitored by a physician. As to weight loss I haven't noticed a difference between the two. Those who do the 5/1 and the complete lose at about the same rate. I personally prefer the 5/1 because you get to know exactly how much 7 oz of chicken looks like as well as 5 oz of beef. It helps us when we transistion back. Plus I for one would have a terrible time giving up my one lean and green meal. :mrgreen:
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 13th, 2006, 11:03 am

Hi Thin! If you are on the full fast, you should be under weekly doctor supervision as it is only 540 calories a day. I HIGHLY recommend the 5 & 1 program. There isn't much difference in the rate of weigh loss between the two. Is there a reason you're doing the full fast rather than the 5 &1?
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Postby cydj21 » February 13th, 2006, 11:06 am

Plus I for one would have a terrible time giving up my one lean and green meal.

Like Jan said, the Lean and Green is my saving grace. When I am having a day where temptations are a real threat, that Lean and Green makes my day and gets me by. Most people on the board don't seem to lose much more on the full least that I have noticed. I know a few have switched over to the 5/1 with a Lean and Green because it made the program more realistic for them.

Just my two cents. :D
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Postby FORMOMMY » February 13th, 2006, 11:10 am

I agree - I need to have the lean and green for two reasons:

1. It is something to look forward to and helps me when I am having a tough day of temptation, etc.

2. I believe it will help when I can start maintenance to be able to eat correctly since I will be used to portion size, etc.

I have only been using MF since 1/23/06 so I can't say whether you will lose faster or not; but based on the veterans in this group, it seems like they are the same.

Good Luck! Those 40 pounds will be off before you know it!
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Postby Thinwithin » February 13th, 2006, 11:23 am

You guys are fast! Thanks for your quick replies! At this point in the quest, I'm thinking I will be more successful with an all-or-nothing approach. I'm concerned that if I include solid food at the get-go, that solid food will turn out to be ic* cre**! So I guess I'm sticking to the fast to eliminate those bad choices early on. After I've experienced some success, my motivation to stay true to the program will be greater and I won't have to struggle so much to choose healthy foods. I kinda feel like I need to get some wins under my belt. I can add additional shakes and get the daily calorie count up if that would make this safer...? I'm pretty healthy, started recently on Synthroid and have hypotension (low BP). Those are my only health issues. Thanks again for your insights.
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Postby BerkshireGrl » February 13th, 2006, 4:49 pm

MusicalMomma wrote:Hi Thin! If you are on the full fast, you should be under weekly doctor supervision as it is only 540 calories a day. I HIGHLY recommend the 5 & 1 program. There isn't much difference in the rate of weigh loss between the two.

Heya MM and Thinwithin! :) Hmm, I thought the Full Fast was more like 700 calories with no additions (like no cream in your coffee, no snacks, etc.)? At least with 6 MF packets a day. I definitely would be gnawing on my shoes on only 5 a day ;)

The way it works out for me is about 690, but then I add some half & half in my daily coffee, and have some salsa in soups, or a Wasa cracker... comes out to be about 730-750 calories a day. Maybe 800 on some days.

The difference between the 5 & 1 and the Full Fast is about a 1/2 pound more lost (on average) weekly on the Full Fast, or 2 pounds a month. Not much at all really ;)

But then, I prefer not to deal with "real food" right now. I do have the occasional Lean & Green when I go out with friends or family though :)

I second the Doctor Supervision Needed on the Full Fast... especially for someone with low BP and taking synthetic thyroid hormones! :) You may find your BP gets even lower, and your metabolism too, so keep in touch with that MD heh!
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Postby Thinwithin » February 13th, 2006, 5:13 pm

Thanks, Berkshire. I agree, I'm only on day 2 and I've got a pair of chocolate-brown high heels that are looking mighty good! I also have half-and-half in my coffee, so I guess it's not as strict as it could be. I will probably only work the fast for a week or so, see how I'm feeling, then incorporate some lean and green. I just so much want this to succeed!

Thanks, again! :mrgreen:
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