Question on How Tired I am and Other Things

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Question on How Tired I am and Other Things

Postby Zinkette99 » January 24th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Well its been exactly a week since I started Medifast. I am down 7.5 pounds which thrills me! However, I find myself very very tired still. Particularly yesterday. I slept 18 hours!!! I mean not consecutively. I took a 5 hour nap (does the really count as a nap after that amount of time?) and then slept more then 12 hours last night. I slept so much I missed some of my MF meals. :(

I find that I am not hungry at all. I have to remind myself to eat or I completely skip. Also, is it ok to eat tuna? I eat it right out of the can with nothing on it, I didn't know if this could count as part of the lean and green.

I hope everyone is having a great week!
25 years old
Started MF'ing: 6/5/06

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Postby falisamarie » January 24th, 2006, 12:25 pm


I am not sure about why you are tired maybe Nancy or one of our other esteemed losers will sound in on that.

As for the tuna it is fine as long as it is part of your lean and green and with no mayo. In the can it is great cause it is already premeasured at 7oz for us. :)

Try not to skip any meals...maybe that is contributing to you being sleepy :snooze: I had to have a nap on Sunday so I had someone wake me up when it was time to eat or you could set an alarm.

Let us know how you are doing

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Postby Ashes » January 24th, 2006, 1:12 pm


I too was VERY sleepy the first week. Now, (starting my 3rd week) I am energized for the most part, but could seriously use a nap! I think it's because my body is still adjusting to the healthier diet I have now. Every day I feel better and better, so I think you'll do the same.

DON'T SKIP MEALS... I went off the end of my first week because I stopped eating, because I just wasnt hungry. Now, I eat at my 2-3 hours, even if I don't have any hunger, otherwise I'll binge, or get so hungry that I want to run rampant.. ha ha..

I'm not an expert by ANY means... but thats my results so far..

1st goal: 30lbs. (245 by 3/28 - I really hope I can!)
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Postby sidrah » January 24th, 2006, 7:17 pm

I was dead the third day. I came home and was asleep in about 20 minutes. It got better later on, but the first three days left me yawning like crazy. It's muuuch better now.
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