Out*With*The*Old wrote:Pickles I can do! I'll try that - I'm scared of the OTC supplement. I dont do the 5&1 often so adding those veggies isn't the perfect solution for me. But, I can do the pickles - heck, I actually like pickles! I'm going to go to a new store too and see if I can find bullion - - I just can't believe it would be THAT hard to find!!!
KellyC wrote:I've found that if I've had alot of diet soda, tea or coffee (more than 15oz per day), then it makes the cramps worse. I know caffeine is only a mild diuretic, but for some reason it really affects me alot.
Smary Pants Ovary Chick wrote:KellyC wrote:I've found that if I've had alot of diet soda, tea or coffee (more than 15oz per day), then it makes the cramps worse. I know caffeine is only a mild diuretic, but for some reason it really affects me alot.
HOW 'BOUT THAT ONE, MS. DIET DR. PEPPER????? You think that little pop top can could be causing you sooo much pain at night? Maybe kelly has provided an easy solution for ya! Then again with your addiction to DDP, maybe it isn't an easy solution. Hey, speaking of diet soda has anyone tried Fresca Blackcherry Citrus? It is DELICIOUS. Tastes kinda like a shirley temple.
KellyC wrote:Sometimes when I'm really hungry I throw a cup of chopped fresh coriander in the chik noodle along with a touch of bouillon and an extra 4 oz of water, YUM.
Actually, I don't think that's it or I would have been having them forever, lol.
Serendipity wrote:Ok, I havent tried this, but I've read it a million times so it must work. Now, don't laugh.......try putting a bar of soap under your sheet near your feet. I don't know why it works, but it does.
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