Question for those who've been on medifast for 6+ months

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Question for those who've been on medifast for 6+ months

Postby dbedrosi » December 19th, 2007, 1:35 pm

Hi Folks,
This is a question for folks who've been on the program for more than 6 months. Do you strictly stuck to the 5/1 meal plan even after you've been on the plan more than 6 months? have you ever cheated (i.e. due to bdays, holiday celebrations w/friends/family,)? I have multiple xmas parties coming up and thought about having a glass of wine at one of them or a bite of desert at another.
This is my 20th day on the program and I've found it's easy and fun to stick to. I've lost 13 pounds so far but I have a few holiday events coming up where I don't want to deprive myself. I plan on jumping right back on the program the next day. Just wanted to get an idea of folks experiences who've been on the plan long term.
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Postby Serendipity » December 19th, 2007, 2:07 pm

There are differing opinions regarding staying on program. I can only speak for myself.

I was on program for 13 months and 15 days and never went off during that time. It was the easiest way for me. I never stayed away from functions, I just didn't stand around the food table. I visited with friends and drank diet coke. I never missed the food. You may find that hard to believe, but once I saw what Medifast was doing for me, I wasn't going to get in the way for anything!

Some here have gone off for a party or other function and had no trouble getting right back on program. Others have an awful time trying to get back on and never make it. For me, it wasn't worth the chance that I would be one of those strugglers.

Ten people will give you 10 different answers. Only you know yourself well enough to make that decision.
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Postby Mike » December 19th, 2007, 2:55 pm

Spoken by a master. Jo said it perfectly. Everybody is different, some have no problem getting back on after being off, some struggle, some never do make it back.

As for the wine... alcohol will completely halt the fat burning. Since alcohol is metabolized by the liver, which is where the ketones are metabolized, it completely shuts down the fat burning that goes on. Just be aware of that.

Its all about choices... what do we want more.

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Postby DogMa » December 19th, 2007, 3:51 pm

I'm not sure you WILL get that many different responses. I was on the program for a year and a half, and yes, I went off it several times and was able to get right back on. I can probably count on one hand the number of people here who have been able to do that, though, so I sure wouldn't recommend it.

Plus, I didn't go off program for things like holiday parties. I went off a few times when I felt I didn't have much choice, like out-of-town job interviews that involved several meals out, sometimes at places that had no lean and green options. And occasionally because I had been stalled for a long period and felt I needed a jolt to get my body losing again. They were ALWAYS controlled circumstances and I was VERY unusual in that I could do it for one meal and get right back on plan.

Again, I would NOT recommend it for others. And I definitely wouldn't recommend it just so you can have wine or other goodies at holiday parties. It's far too easy to lose control (especially after having wine; not to mention that the wine will affect you far more than usual right now). Those things will be there when you've lost the weight, to be enjoyed in moderation if you choose to do so.

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Thanks everyone

Postby dbedrosi » December 19th, 2007, 7:00 pm

I'd like to really thank everyone for their replies. After weighing each of your comments, I've decided NOT to cheat over the holidays. It's just not worth it in terms of where I want to go with this program. A having a sip of wine or a nip of desert that will throw me out of ketosis is just not worth the fleeting pleasure that I will regret the next day. So again, thanks for your comments. Denise
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 19th, 2007, 8:29 pm

ok, well you have 2 scenarios so that didnt cheat AT ALL, one that at times may have have cheated and was able to get back on and here goes MY exerience:

I originally started MF in april 2006 (about 237lbs). After being OP for about 2.5 mos, i started "cheating" here and there ( i had lost 22lbs total). The cheats became more frequent because since i still continued to lose some weight, i thought they weren't affecting me THAT much. After a while, they became so frequent, i realized i wasnt using any supplements and the weight loss stopped and the scale slowly headed in the other direction. Then QUICKLY headed in the other direction. Well here i am, 1.5 years later and NUMEROUS restarts (too many to count). I restarted this final time at 240.6 (3.6lbs above my original starting weight and 25.6lb aboce my previous stopping weight), i have lost 27 lbs so far. I have admitted eating at Thanksgiving this year (it was EXTREMELY controlled) and jumped RIGHT BACK OP. HOWEVER, I am in NO WAY condoning, nor recommending this. I have already been thru the restarting process ~ several times. I KNOW first hand how HARD it truly is. I do not at all recommend cheating, not even a little bit. It is far to difficult to restart and completely follow through. I can't stress this enough. You may be one of the lucky ones, like Dogma that has not ever had a problem restarting or you may be like me (and many others) that have struggled to restart. Some NEVER make it back to plan. I just thank God daily that i was given the strength to restart THIS time and stick to it.

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Postby dbedrosi » December 21st, 2007, 11:20 am

Eric, thanks SO MUCH for sharing your experience with cheating. Your feedback and convinced me that I will be in control of my eating over the holidays and that it is JUST NOT worth it. The food will always be there. Right now, it's my first priority to get healthy again so I can see my daughter grow up, feel good about myself and to live a life again. That means more to me than the glass of red wine or 2 bites of desert.
Again, thank you. Denise
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Postby Tawanda » December 21st, 2007, 11:38 am is so much better (in my opinion) to skip having the holiday special treats during our weight loss time. There will always be more holidays (God willing) and those treats aren't going to disappear between now and then. Right now our jobs should be to stick to our commitment to getting the weight off......later, at goal, we can then celebrate in a restrained and healthy manner (with an appropriate/normal/healthy amount of food & beverage consumption).

I wish that I had never started nibbling. I did 8 months without straying from program and I've struggled a lot since I made the decision that 'a little won't hurt'.

My thinking (in hindsight, of course :? ) is why chance it when you cannot be certain if you'll be one of those who are strong enough to get right back on program and not continue to struggle?

The holidays, gatherings, festivities and 'reason-for-the season' is so much more than food...

My best to you in whatever you decide to do.
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Postby Mickeyz » December 23rd, 2007, 2:37 pm

Well, here is another experience.

I am not saying I advocate eating off program, I am just saying what has worked for me. I am a person that does not have a problem doing little off program meals and then getting right back on. (Notice I don't use the word "cheat" which implies an act of dishonesty...very negative self talk and self belief in my opinion!) Yes, my off program eating was pre-planned and revolved around parties or other social events. Let’s face it, I am not going to plan to eat off program so I can have some mundane food in secret! I planned what I was going to eat and also had a plan as to how and exactly when I was back on program. It worked for me.

Could I have made my goal sooner? Maybe, I don't know. The planned off program was never a problem and I did it rarely. I did however have some slowed weight loss when I was not 100% compliant. So what I am saying is that when I was on program and very compliant one little off program evening (not a binge!) did not seem to topple my apple cart. But the insidious little nibbles and bites while you are on program can be the real killers! So for me there was a difference between going off for one meal and getting right back on and actually not being compliant for days at a time.

For some, the risk isn’t worth it. I agree, if you are not strong enough to get right back on program it may be a slippery slope that just isn’t worth the struggle.
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