Question for the ladies

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Postby iwontplaythefoolnemore » March 26th, 2006, 7:11 pm

The first one I had after starting Medifast was about a week late. I always hate that because I want to get it over with. I've been regular since then.

I used to use "Flo" as a reason to overeat. Now I just make sure I have plenty of pudding stocked. :D
Start Date: 01/21/06
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Postby Nancy » June 3rd, 2006, 1:21 pm

Sometimes our menstrual cycles can get mixed up a bit when we lose weight. It is not uncommon for Aunt Flo to arrive later than usual, sometimes she makes multiple visits during the first few months - she can bring Uncle Moody Blues with her the first couple of visits but then it should be smooth sailing. Keep your meals closer together to avoid hunger and cravings, drink plenty of fluids to help prevent constipation...
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Postby Lulie » June 3rd, 2006, 9:14 pm

Thanks for bumping this up Nancy. I needed to see it. I wondered what was going on with my cycle this month! I was early too, and it also lasted longer and was heavier than usual. Makes sense now.

Thanks for the info.
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Postby Diana » June 4th, 2006, 2:10 am

Oh, the joys and blessings of being a woman! :mrgreen: I just have to wonder what it was like before Eve succombed to the serpent.
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Postby Tankie » June 5th, 2006, 11:07 pm

I am so glad someone brought this topic up....I was starting to think I was a total freak....but I still do have concerns....I have now had my period for about 4 1/2 weeks....also when it first started it was over 4 weeks early (I have a 9 week cycle because of the pill I'm on). Some days are lighter and some heavier, I called my clinic and we are gonna wait a few weeks and then see if changing birth control will help. I'm just glad they didn't freak out and try to convince me to change my "crazy" diet... :|

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Postby Nancy » June 8th, 2006, 12:20 pm

A number of years ago when I was a young and fertile thing, my period totally stopped when I was on a Very Low Calorie Diet program. My caloric intake was 425 cals per day (2 puny meals) and while it was nice not to deal with a period it was not pleasant when it returned. My husband was in danger of being a victim of homicide.... As I increased the calories and fat intake, not only did my period return but so did the flab…
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