The Qustion about our skin is really an individual question. Each person's skin is different. Some of us have been blessed genetically speaking with more elasticity in our skin. That type of skin usually "shrinks" Another part of the equation is your age and how long you were overweight. It also depends upon how much over weight you were. In any event no one really knows ( unless of course your skin shrinks right along with you

) how our skin will react. I've heard people say give it about a year after weight loss to see what will happen before you make any decisions that would involve surgery.
Now for an example -- my very good friend Nancy -- yup the one who is pictured at the top of the forum -- lost 133 pounds or so. She was "experienced" I will get an e-mail right away if I tell you "she was no spring chicken "

Her skin is great. She wears as we all know cute tight clothing all the time. No hiding in sweat suits for her.
So wait and see. That's just about all you can do. I've had other people who tell me they use lots of lotion. I don't know if that works or is just a waste of money.