Hey, Grayson and Skye! Great to hear from you both!
Skye, first, I knew from the start of my weightloss with MF that the abdominoplasty was a guarantee as well, I had the "apron" for years and years, and there was absolutely no way it was bouncing back to anything resembling normal! So it's wise for you to set it in your mind as part of your process, as I think that too often people think only of the weightloss as the task and once completed they're "done." Hardly. Whether ppl require or want surgery is one aspect, but there's also fitness, toning, maintenance, wrapping our heads and hearts around this whole new lifestyle, and just figuring out who we are in these new shells. I know people like to think they're going to be exactly the same inside, and they've just changed the outside, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Whether that scares or excites you or anyone else is in the eye of the beholder, but I can say I've experienced both emotions, and continue to throughout this process. Whew. Sorry, tangent! :-)
Grayson, yay! Thanks so much for the detailed reply! And thank you also for the mad compliments to my pics, you made my day! I will look forward to you posting yours as well - whenever you feel comfortable. Meanwhile, I completely understand what you mean about being too thin or filling out more properly now, it's amazing how our bodies adjust and sort of re-adapt to muscle and fat and such. I even find it funny how I can be at the same weight I was a year ago and yet my body has a totally different "look" to it - which is what I think you were saying. Of course a lot of it is your working out/fitness, but I also think our bodies redistributed the weight over time, it's like the bodies "settled in" to the new weight, whereas when we first lost it (so quickly), it just sort of melted off, and we kind of look like melted candles! (um, I did!)
You sound so thrilled with the exercise, which I completely understand, it's an invigorating time, isn't it? By the way, I *think* I may have the exact same type of swelling as you which has left me equally frustrated. I don't have the back swelling, since I didn't do a full body lift, but you mentioned the "very lower abdomen," would it be fair to say we're talking just above the groin area? Because, for me, the drains and major incision were in that area (very very very lower abdomen, if you catch my drift) and I still have swelling there that totally irks the crap out of me too! I'm fine in clothes and such, and perhaps others wouldn't notice too much, but if I'm sporting a bathing suit, it does pouch out a bit. It's gone down SO MUCH, it was really bad, I was joking that if I had an adam's apple, people would be questioning my gender! Now it's more just poofy. My surgeon told me I had to wait out the 6 months as well, and then if it isn't down we'd address it, though he didn't mention the steroid shot - I'll have to ask about that! I don't blame you for wanting it now, if it's such an easy fix, why not just let you have it? Hmmm, curious minds wanna know!
I didn't have the same extent of surgery as you, so I never anticipated being able to "strut my stuff" on the beach post surgery anyway. What I mean is, I didn't get my arms or thighs done, so I certainly don't feel like I now have some terrific bathing suit body. Truth is, while I'd love to not feel self-conscious about those areas, I just remind myself that there are very few people in this world (or at least in the US) who feel good about themselves at the beach. My friends and family are mostly all thin, and they're still trying to cover stuff up, whether it's their belly or their butt or something else, so whatever "issues" I have, they're truly not unique. Besides, I remind myself how far I've come, and purchase cover-ups and such that are cute, and just say "F--k it!" :-)
Anyway, I hope your swelling continues to go down, and I look forward to your ongoing updates, as I promise to keep up on that as well!
Cheers, Grayson!