Hi, Maggie ~
It’s moi. I am alive and reasonably well. Thanks for missing me.

I must also say a big honkin’ THANK YOU to Unca for answering posts and keeping people informed of my whereabouts.
Mike, I appreciate you for also chiming in and telling about our situation. You're the best!
This has been killing me to not be able to know how you are all doing!!! Gosh, I feel like you are part of my family. Unca has been telling me what’s going on when I have the privilege of occasionally coming in the back door. I have been exhausted when I get home. I go from the college to see my Daddy and then drive home to Vancouver, drop into bed and get up at 5 AM and start all over again the next day.
My Daddy just doesn’t want me to leave him so sometimes I am with him until after 10 PM.
He is doing much better but it is rather shocking to awake from a drug-induced deep sleep to discover that you’ve been “out” for six weeks. He is coming to grips with the fact that he had a major heart attack. He thought that he had been in a bad accident, had totaled his truck and was recovering from the accident! Then he thought that he was dying and he kept telling me that “a man likes to have his family members with him as he dies.” Now he realizes he is getting well and that he WILL get well. Yeah, God!
He is still on oxygen, is able to walk with assistance a short distance each day and fatigues very easily.
It has been good for me to be at the hospital and in the care center these last two months. It has solidified my resolve to help spread the word to others: we NEED to make some nutritional changes in our diets or we will end up in the hospital with a heart attack, with by-pass surgery or a trip to the morgue!
Many diseases are preventable with good nutritional intervention. Medifast is the best product available. The time is right to make some healthy changes. We can do it and we can do it together.
I am amazed at how many nurses and health providers are overweight! After watching them, I know that they are so busy that they don’t take time to eat properly. That’s the beauty of Medifast – just rip off the top of a packet, pour it into a cup of water, shake it up, drink it down and be powered up for another three hours!
Keep on keepin’ on, Friends. Christmas and New Years were just one day each, we have a whole year ahead of us to enjoy. If ya got off the wagon, you can climb back on. We’re here to lend a hand and give ya a boost up. I know that I need the accountability that you all provide. I have some days of shakes only ahead of me.

Too many pieces of fudge and home made cinnamon rolls have made my leather pants a bit snug.

Not to worry, Medifast is here!