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question already!

Postby saira » May 6th, 2004, 6:52 pm

hello everyone,

i know i just introduced myself, but i was wondering if i could get some advice. i have noticed that some people are on the 5 n 1 plan and then some people are doing the complete fast. i guess if would be great if someone could guide me in the right direction as which one i should do. as i mentioned before i need to lose about 90 pounds. i would like to lose it by septemeber ( cuz i will be getting married over thanksgiving weekend!). so which plan would be best for me? is there a difference on how fast you see a difference in weight loss? also can you jump from one plan to another? like alternate every other day? complete fast one day and the 5n 1 the next? any advice or guidance is much appreciated.

thank you all!
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Postby saira » May 7th, 2004, 5:39 pm

can any health advisor shed some light on my question please??
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Postby Marseilles » May 7th, 2004, 8:04 pm

Hiya Saira...

Welcome! I am also fairly new to this forum but if it helps any, in the medifast quickstart guide it says you can utilize both and alot of people do the full fast during the week and the 5-1 on the weekends.

The general concensus that I see from reading the forums is that caution is required when eating the lean/green after using the full fast as it can have untoward effects on the bowels..lots of time in the loo. But aside from that I am told and have heard that the 5-1 brings good success with it, for those that have the willpower to stay within the guidelines.

I personally have been doing the full fast since March 28th and have lost 27.6 that time I have had a lean/green twice. Although it did slow my loss the next day or so afterwards and I found myself hungrier two to three days following as I think it knocks you slightly out of ketosis. It is certainly more beneicial than scarfing a bag o' cookies when you MUST eat though.

Hope this helps and best of luck to you!!!!


FYI, Ive read that full fast brings with it 3-7 lb loss/week and the 5-1 brings pretty close and VERY successful, whicever way you decide is best for you! :)
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o thank you

Postby saira » May 8th, 2004, 5:20 am

hey marsailles!

thanx so much for replying to my post as i was kinda confused. and have been doing great till now....!!! 27.5 pounds is awesome....hopefully i plan to start on starter kit is supposed to come in the mail on tuesday.....but i just cant wait!

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