Question about water

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Question about water

Postby Wynslett » June 17th, 2007, 12:49 pm

First time posting here. I'm waiting for my medifast food to arrive, I just ordered it last night. Had a question about water intake. Are we allowed to add flavorings such as crystal light to our water or do we have to drink it plain?
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Postby llrickman » June 17th, 2007, 1:56 pm

Hello and welcome, I am a newbie myself but i can try and help from
you can have crysyal light ect.. but what i do is make sure that before i do i have at least half of my water intake in just good ole water, Today is my 7th day on the program my water intake is probably between 100 and 140 oz a day at first it was hard but now its not a problem

Also limit your caffeine drinks to 3 a day im guessing that is 3 12oz beverages , Diet coke-diet ect....

good luck

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Postby Jan » June 17th, 2007, 2:52 pm

Hi there,
You received pretty good advice. Crystal Lite is fine .. but plain water is best. Your body has less to process. I personally would limit the diet sodas to one a day. All that carbonation is not too good for you. If I remember correctly it has to do with the carbonation and oxygen molecules in your body. Coffee and tea of course contain caffine which is a diuretic and can also irritate your stomach and make you feel hungry ( not what you want :? ) You can have a cup or two however. Drinking water is very very important. The lack of water can slow down weight loss.
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Postby Mike » June 17th, 2007, 4:45 pm

Great advice from these great folks. The best thing is to make sure you get in 64 oz pure water (4 bottles), and then other fluids during the day (crystal light is just fine). As Jan said, try to limit the carbonated drinks. Carbonation not only keeps your stomach expanded, it also increases the acid in the stomach. Limit the caffeine as well. It can also increase the acid, and it can increase hunger as Jan said.

Good luck, and keep us informed.

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Postby Guest » June 17th, 2007, 4:53 pm

hi i just started the program on monday
do we include the shakes as part of the 8 glasses of water
or is it 8 glasses plus the shakes
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Postby HappyHomeMaker » June 17th, 2007, 5:14 pm

I don't consider the shakes as my water...I don't think you can. I may be wrong...As far as Crystal Light , I don't use it...only because I try to stay away from chemicals. I did drink some diet soda this weekend. I treated myself and it helped me from eating some other foods , but I did NOT consider the diet soda towards my water. I made sure I drank plenty of water with it.

I don't consider anything with caffeine towards my water.
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Postby Guest » June 17th, 2007, 5:29 pm

HI HappyHomeMaker
Looks like we must of had the same weekend. I to needed a diet soda
yesterday b/c i felt hungry and was so afraid i was going to go off it.
so the diet soda kinda gave me that full feeling.

I just thought the shake would be considered part of the 8 glasses
b/c I put a full glass of water into the blend with the shake
so i just thought i was putting it toward the 8 glasses.
OH BOY i hope i didn't blow this!
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Postby Jan » June 17th, 2007, 6:20 pm

Hi there,
The shakes don't count as your water...they count as a meal.
The water is in addition to the MF products. We want you to drink lots of water to flush out your system. When you burn fat the contents of the cell is flushed into your blood stream. Water will help flush all those things, hormones, toxins etc right out.
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Postby Guest » June 17th, 2007, 6:40 pm

Thanks Jan
good thing I found out now it's only a week
rather then later.
Thank you
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Postby Mike » June 17th, 2007, 10:01 pm

Jan wrote: When you burn fat the contents of the cell is flushed into your blood stream. Water will help flush all those things, hormones, toxins etc right out.

You are starting to sound very scientific now. Better be careful or you'll end up like me. ;)

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