Question about my soup!

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Question about my soup!

Postby c0rie » October 30th, 2006, 8:04 pm

Hi Everyone! As I mentioned in the previous post, I am brand new to Medifast. I have a question about a snack soup. My boyfriend is Mexican and he makes a dish called "sopa" basically what it consists of is a can of tomato sauce, a pinch of chicken flavor bouillon, lots of water, and some type of pasta.

How it is made is basically you put a little bit of pasta in a sauce pan, and then add the chicken bouillon, and tomato sauce, then add about a quart of water.

I was wondering if it is Medifast safe, minus the pasta of course!!!!

The brand/ facts of the bullion and tomato sauce are as followed:

Knorr "Caldo con Sabor de Pollo" Chicken Flavor Bouillon
-10 calories
- 0.5 grams of fat = less than 1%

Tomato Sauce
- 20 calories
- 0 % fat
That’s it! So I am wondering if it is okay... if its not, that’s alright too, just curious because it is so yummy!
Please let me know what ya’ll think!
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Joined: October 9th, 2006, 2:32 pm
Location: California

Postby Jan » November 2nd, 2006, 8:59 pm

Why don't you try the MF cream of Tomato soup with some chicken bouillon.... might be pretty close and perfectly "legal" O you could try the Robust Tomato soup with bouillon... .that would be a snack...
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