question about "snacking"

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question about "snacking"

Postby Allie » August 23rd, 2006, 3:49 pm

I was wonderign if it is ok to snack on my "lean" part of my L&G throughout the day? I always have a sweet taste in my mouth after a mf, and today, i ate alittle of my chicken after each one. now I will just be having the green part for dinner, and that is ok with me, but will it do something "bad" to my diet?

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Postby Arklahoma » August 24th, 2006, 7:47 pm

I honestly doubt that this would cause any problems; however, I have seen threads in the past where posters mentioned the need to mix the L/G at the same time for nutritional balance (like one half of the L/G for one snack and then the second half at another time). Hopefully an HA will step in and answer from the TSFL perspective.
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Postby Nancy » August 25th, 2006, 3:00 pm

Hi there, Allie ~

If needed, the Lean and Green meal may be divided into two smaller meals of equal proportions and eaten several hours apart but it is not ideal to nibble on the protein after or along with a Medifast meal packet. Each packet is a complete meal – a carefully designed balance of protein to carbohydrates. In essence, the balance is upset when a person adds a bit more protein to the packet. Eating the ‘green’ portion alone later with no protein to balance it out isn’t the best plan either. I know that some people are able to ‘get away’ with doing just what you describe but the best course is to always follow the program as it is set up – five Medifast meal packets, each one consumed two and a half to three hours apart and one Lean and Green meal – all 5/7 ounces of protein eaten along with the 1.5 cups of cooked green vegetables or the small green salad.

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