by jump4joy » May 8th, 2006, 1:43 pm
I believe in fasting for religious reasons too BUT (and this is my strong opinion) I don't think it's a good idea to fast for three days while you're in the mddle of your Medifast journey. Your body is already at it lowest reserves and I feel it would be too taxing on your system while on this plan. A fast (to me) is anything you sacrifice or give up to God, so I actually approach Medifast that way.....I AM fasting on Medifast already---I give up or sacrifice most food to God. In my religion, we fast on the first Sunday of every month and give the money we would have spent on food to the needy....called "fast offerings". Since I can't do a complete abstainance from all food and drink for 24 hours while on Medifast, I just do 5 shakes (no bars, snacks, or any solids) during that time. My doctor also concurs with handling a religious fast this way.
Hope this helps---
Motto: The time will pass whether I diet or not.