Question about religious fasting

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Question about religious fasting

Postby sheila » May 8th, 2006, 1:34 pm

Hi everyone. I am wondering if anyone has fasted(for religious reasons) while being on MF.I am considering going on a 3 day fast to work on some things in my life that need some changing. I know God hears us when we pray, even when we do not fast, but to me, that just shows him that we are willing to sacrafice something for him for a little while. :)
The one thing that concerns me is how will fasting affect my progress in this program? So, if any of you have fasted while on MF, please let me know what to expect. Thanks, and God bless.
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Postby BoPeep1 » May 8th, 2006, 1:39 pm

In my fasting experience, we were allowed to drink juice, so I think it would kick you out of ketosis, but you would still have the lowered calories, which is a big part of losing weight.

My first thought is that we really are fasting already, if you go on the full fast and do six supplements a day, but I decided to answer from previous experience.
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Postby jump4joy » May 8th, 2006, 1:43 pm

I believe in fasting for religious reasons too BUT (and this is my strong opinion) I don't think it's a good idea to fast for three days while you're in the mddle of your Medifast journey. Your body is already at it lowest reserves and I feel it would be too taxing on your system while on this plan. A fast (to me) is anything you sacrifice or give up to God, so I actually approach Medifast that way.....I AM fasting on Medifast already---I give up or sacrifice most food to God. In my religion, we fast on the first Sunday of every month and give the money we would have spent on food to the needy....called "fast offerings". Since I can't do a complete abstainance from all food and drink for 24 hours while on Medifast, I just do 5 shakes (no bars, snacks, or any solids) during that time. My doctor also concurs with handling a religious fast this way.

Hope this helps---
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Postby DogMa » May 8th, 2006, 1:44 pm

I fast on Yom Kippur, but that's sundown to sundown.

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Postby sheila » May 8th, 2006, 1:44 pm

Hi Brandi. Ya, I know some people drink juice while fasting. I was just planning on water. I think it will be ok. Its ony for a few days, and I feel like its something I need to do for the Lord. So, it is almost 11:00 am here in Hawaii, and I still havent had my 1st supplement, so, I think I already know what I am going to do. One more question tho, is it ok to take vitamins while we fast?
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Postby MusicalMomma » May 8th, 2006, 2:02 pm

Hi Sheila...what counts most is doing what you feel in your heart what God is calling you to do. If He's calling you to a 3 day water fast, He will give you the strength to do it. I also believe strongly in fasting. When I fast, I will simply do the full fast (6 shakes) and nothing else, unless I feel a strickter fast is called for.

Regarding the vitamins, they can REALLY upset your stomach when you're on a water only fast...since it's going to be 3 days, I'd probably skip them OR at least take them before going to sleep so the effects are dissipated before waking.
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Postby sheila » May 8th, 2006, 2:03 pm

Ok, I have decided that I am going to wait and do the fast tomorrow. My daughter just reminded me that I promised her that I would take her to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. So, I will start tomorrow. But I think I will only do it for 1 day rather than 3, because you are right,Jump4joy, that may be too taxing on my sytem. But I think I can handle 1 day. And that is true, we are already having such little food intake already.Thanks for your help.
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Postby sheila » May 8th, 2006, 2:06 pm

Thanks Joyce, I appreciate your insight. I agree with you too. I know God will give me the strength to do this for him. My daughter says that if I wait until tomorrow, she will fast with me. So I think I will, and....that means there will be 2 of us praying, rather than just me. ;)
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Postby Arklahoma » May 8th, 2006, 2:53 pm

Just want to throw in my Image

Vitamins have to be taken with food to be effective. If you're only having water then there's really no need to take them b/c you're not going to get any real effect.
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Postby Arklahoma » May 8th, 2006, 3:31 pm

It's true, alright. If you read the vitamin label, it will state "take with food".
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Postby BoPeep1 » May 8th, 2006, 3:55 pm

hmmm, maybe that's why I had to drink juice on my fast, for the vitamins It was awhile ago, but it was with a church group and the pastor was involved as well.
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Postby falisamarie » May 8th, 2006, 6:42 pm

I totally agree with Joyce on this. If this is what God is leading you to do than you have to trust HIM to take care of you. With me God comes first and if He called me to do a 3 day fast then I would because I know He will honor my obedience.

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Postby Helen » May 10th, 2006, 9:51 am


I have fasted for 54 days using MF. I fasted and was basically all vegan. All I had were the Choc. ready to drink shakes as they are dairy free. The other day I fasted for 1 full day on the shakes and water again for guidence.

Remember there are different types of fasting. Water, only vege, and so forth. I am Orthodox Christian so when we fast for Easter we fast vegan and I typically do the same throughout the year.

I do believe you have to pray to Him and ask Him how you should fast for this time period. Jesus guides your hand all the way through, he even lead you into feeling the need to fast.

Please PM if you ever need to talk. I pray for you during this beautiful time.

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Postby Lulie » May 13th, 2006, 11:10 pm

Another way is to eliminate any food snacks, and meals, and just drink you shakes and use the liquid soups like broccoli, tomato, etc. These to me are just drinks. They don't have the substance to them that real soups do. That would be a liquid fast.

There are different ways that you may feel called to fast, but this way you would still be getting your Medifast in, as well as the proper nutrients.

Just my opinion. 8)
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